Catching up...
I found the muffin recipe I was looking for. I'd not been able to find the recipe on the internet but then remembered I'd photographed it from this book:-

A good friend was leaving to stay in Germany after living here for six years. As she'd often commented on how much she liked Scottish baking we (the craft group ladies) got together and wrote out all our favourite recipes and collected them together in a photo album. The first card of each recipe also included a little story about the recipe - where it was from, why it was liked, etc, just to make it all more personal.
So here (courtesy of Carol, and minus the top card) is the recipe for gingerbread muffins (click pic to make bigger).

I had the job of gathering in all the recipe cards. As soon as I saw this recipe I knew it was one I wanted to try.


They were scrumptious (note - not all the empty cases were mine!). Definitely a recipe I'll be using again.

I took down my birthday cards to make way for the next ones (we have three birthdays in the family in the space of just over a month). This is the front of my birthday card from hubby; he knows me too well.

I've started a new project.

Can you guess what it is?

I managed one more baking morning before resorting to weetabix and toast. Inspired by
this post at the Quince Tree, I used hubby's normal muffin recipe and added some Nutella.

They were rather nice too. Unfortunately I then had an opened jar of Nutella in the cupboard. It didn't last long.
We've been partying again. N will be 3 later this week, any excuse for more cake. I was all set to make him a chocolate cake, just as well I let him know as he said he'd prefer a yellow cake.

So here is what I think he meant. A Victoria sponge with butter icing, strawberry jam, and yellow coloured glace icing on top. I use the recipe from
Rachel Allen's Bake book, but I increased the ingredients to make a 4 egg mix.

Again, we were lucky with the weather and were able to host the party in the garden. July has actually been pretty good here (so far!)

Plenty of left overs for the craft night.

A busy bee!
Right, definitely need to cut down on the cakes from now on...
I am so hungry after reading your post!!!!!
And i will so be trying your gingerbread muffins, thanks for sharing them
I'm such a nosey poke and I love looking round bloggers homes and gardens and lives. Now I need cake!!! xxx
I want to make that cake. Yum! Oh, and that chocolate and the lady card? There's a book to that with the same illustrations and font and everything. My friend gave it to me showing just how well he knows me.
You have been busy. A lot of lovely cake making and sewing going on. The gingerbread muffins sound wonderful as do the Nutella ones!
Oh delicious cake. I haven't had my breakfast yet and now museli and toast have no appeal whatsoever. There again I tried on a pair of trousers earlier and couldn't fasten the waist band, so maybe just coffee.
You can't beat homemade cakes! I love Nutella - must put that on my shopping list!
I shall be taking heed of all recipe suggestions - there are three birthdays in this house in the next fortnight. (Planning was never my forté).
YUM, she said with a mouth watering hankering for C A K E!
K x
My guess is a paper-pieced Grandmother's Flower Garden. Or do I mean freezer paper? Can't remember the right terminology.
That birthday card is fantastic. We've got a fun sign at work that reads "Chocolate Doesn't Ask Silly Questions. Chocolate Understands."
The cake looks divine. Glad you had nice weather for the party!
Now, I'm not usually a cake girl, but these? I would gladly eat them all- they look delicious. (am particularly loving the nutella muffins)
Yummo. X
I love the idea of gingerbread muffins, must try those (although there has been a bit much homemade cake around here and now enough exercise!). Hope the Birthdays continue to go well, it sounds like you're having nice weather for them. Bx
Wow, what a post! I feel completely spoilt with amazing photographs and cake-needingness. I followed you over here from Apples & Pears - your blog looks fab, going to have to give up some time today to work my way through your posts ;) Yay x
we have 3 birthdays too - it's hard work lol. I'm guessing at something to do with Hexies ? I tried the Nutella cupcakes but all the nutella sand to the bottom and made the cake all soggy :-(
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