The last couple of evenings have been spent pleasantly occupied with consuming the last of the Christmas chocolates, ignoring the housework...

...and getting down to some crochet.

My cushion cover is now 16" in diameter. I originally planned to finish at this point but I've decided it could do with being an inch or so larger - an excuse for another couple of rounds tonight.
Also tonight I'm planning to make this cake...

... which is from River Cottage Everyday, one of the books I received for Christmas. It's a gorgeous book and I've already made Hugh's sausage stew (better than the one I normally make) and Artichoke & Nettle Gratin (except I used potatoes and spinach - still delicious). When first reading this book I developed a rather odd desire to move in with Hugh (breakfast at his house sounds fantastic) but this slightly worrying feeling has now passed!

My other Christmas books lingering around the sofa include Red Velvet & Chocolate Heartache which is supposed to be a way of making healthy cakes by using vegetables in many of the recipes. It's a nicer looking book than I expected - plenty of ideas for photographing cakes in your garden, but I'll reserve judgement on the recipes till I've actually made something from it. Lastly there's a Grow & Eat Your Own Veg effort from Delia & Gay Search - I've not looked much at this one at all yet, a pleasure for later.
Weatherwise we're now having a little bit of a thaw. Normally I'd be sad to see the snow go but it has been bitterly cold since Christmas and the warmer air (ie just above freezing!) is very welcome. Yesterday while nipping out to the Co-op and dragging A & N out for some fresh air I took a couple more photos of the village while it was still looking pretty with what snow was left.

Looking South from the railway bridge.

Looking North.
I started this post when I put N down for his afternoon nap which he declined to take. It's now evening and I'm wondering whether I really can be bothered to make the cake, the kitchen is such a tip - N likes to empty the cupboards and I've made a right mess while making tea, anyway, here he is...

...I do wonder what I'd do without bananas - he really is a Hungry Horace and a banana snack has saved us many a time!
I agree-the snow must go!
roll on Spring.
I love your round cushion cover ~ the colours work beautifully together :O)
I'm loving you new pillow... Wait, I feel the name a coming....It's reminds me of Napa Valley and the wine country. All their yummie colors of harvest time.
Don't you just love cookbooks, I read them like a novel. Yummie...
Now, about the little one all wrapped up in his banana... just too cute for words.
Love the cushion Anne. I never could get my head around crochet for some reason but then I am a poor knitter too. Your snowy photos are really great. It is a nuisance when it lingers but it does make the countryside magical while it is here. We haven't had any redwings, fieldfares or even thrushes this year yet. Masses of collared doves and starlings and I counted five blackbirds in the garden the other day. As for those pesky squirrels....hmmm.
Lucky you for getting all these books! Good decision to leave the housework for later (thumbs up!)
and thanks for all the lovely photos of where you live, previous post included.
I love that round cushion cover. I love the colours you have used and how good it looks on your couch.
ooh how I love a stack of cookbooks. I've just borrowed chocolate heartache from a friend, you're right the photos are incredible, but I haven't made anything from it either yet.
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