Another dark, overcast morning though at least it's dry. We've had quite a bit of rain here recently but there have been dry days in between the wet ones so that's fine!

Out the village by the usual route, the trees at the top of the hill are still clinging on to their leaves. Much quieter here than last week - fewer squirrels and little wind so no tumbling leaves.

A view from the top.

Tree mound with lovely beech hedge in the foreground.

Sheep. Baaaaa. I notice the trees at the back are mostly bare already, I expect it's because they're quite exposed to the wind up here.

Lovely Autumn colours along the roads. Shortly after this point I turn off onto the back roads behind Lochwinnoch which I've never been along before. I love how there are so many quiet little roads round here to explore.


I like farm signs which look handmade but with a little artistic flair about them.

Hmmm, this view does look a bit wet!

I leave this inviting looking road for another day and turn left heading down towards Kilbirnie where I join the cycle path.

Some new (for me!) cycle path artwork.

Barr Castle (dating from the 1600's) as seen from the cycle path.

Cow. Moooooo.
In the afternoon we go to a Halloween party. A is dressed as a witch and N is the witch's cat...

... this is them before we leave. As you can see, N doesn't want to be anybody's cat!

At the party, A make this rather fabulous spider. He's called Mr Mudsquirt.

Back home I attempt to carve a pumpkin with groovy eyes. His nose is a little on the large side. However, at least he's quite friendly looking (I don't like scarey things!)

I dig out the lino cutters and have a bash at a more arty farty pumpkin. I don't have much time to be imaginative so just do one of my robin designs.

The mantlepiece with some Halloween decorations, none of which I can take credit for...

...A made the pumpkin pictures while the little pumpkin lanterns are actually scopped out oranges. They were from the childrens' party in the afternoon and were served containing strawberry jelly, an excellent idea - will definitely have a go at these myself next year!
I then get to go to a grown-ups party in the evening - not fancy dress thankfully (I sooo can't be bothered!), it's a BIG birthday party and we get to play pass the parcel, I don't win but do gorge myself on party food despite already having had my tea. The meringues, strawberries and cream in particular were delicious!
I really really want to go for a bike ride on this road. It is always so pretty no matter the weather. Did I see my favorite cow again...he-he... Love all the pumpkins spirits and costumes, very cute.
What a busy weekend. You were lucky to get your bike ride without rain, it bucketed down here all day long. I really like the way you personalised your pumpkin, that robin is so sweet.
Love the cycle path art work! Thank you for leaving a message on my blog - the camera I have is a FUJI s8000fd - not mega expensive but it has a super zoom (x18) and a super macro button which enables you to get within 1cm of the object you are photographing! I love it! Hugs, Jane x
Hello, I just passed on a 'kreativ blog' award to you - you can pick it up here
Loe those oranges scooped out - I'm going to do that next year too!
Looks like everyone enjoyed Halloween and the pumpkins are great. I love that mound with trees on. I wonder if it is an ancient tumulus.
Looks as wet as Yorkshire (which did have some bright spots BTW). Loving the arty farty pumpkin and the kids costumes, we only got as far as a single pumpkin but it kept the boys happy-ish, F really wanted a costume and has put it on his ever growing Christmas list!
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