Just back from a few days visiting Granny & Grandpa. Granny still has lots of colourful nooks brightening up her garden...

While there I made a little tour of the local charity shops. When Granny (she's actually A & N's granny not mine!) found out I'd been rescuing embroidered linens from charity shops she was delighted as she had two drawers full of the stuff which she was keen to offload, so I now have some beautiful linens embroidered by my own grandmothers. I haven't had a chance to photograph them yet but will do so.
We visited various play parks, the weather was lovely, many leaves and conkers were collected. We enjoyed lots of lovely home cooking, so nice when someone else does it! I've also come away with a new biscuit recipe, delicious! A didn't want to leave, but much as I like visiting, it's always nice to get back home.
Love your mosaic. I'm glad you had a great time. Welcome back.
How wonderful to have embroidery done by your own grandmothers. Looking forward to seeing some photos of it.
I really miss not having grandparents anymore - enjoy them as much as you can. xxxx
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