Wednesday 29 February 2012

February Garden.

Finally, the crocuses are properly blooming.

While out snapping the crocuses I venture deeper into the garden with my camera. It'll be nice, I hope, to look back on these photos later in the year as from this point in the year the garden just gets better and better.

Crocismia remains.

Garden view, complete with various plastic bags from over the wall which I have still to tidy up.

Blown over strawberry tree, I hope it will be OK once staked.

A promising magnolia bud.

Our "lawn".

Lupins. Always lovely, even in the rain.

I planted some tulip bulbs last Autumn. I'm not sure what type was in the centre of the middle pot but something has found them to be tasty, grr!

The path, with another tree needing staked leaning in to the top right of the photo.

I caught the last of the Sarah Raven "Bees, Butterflies and Blooms" programmes on the telly last week. I have visions now of me wafting through a garden bursting with wonderful plants listening to the bees buzzing and watching the butterflies. We can dream. I'll start by adding a packet of cosmos seeds to my shopping list for when I'm next in a suitable shop.

I tried taking some photos of the newly tidied house before it all got messed up again. They weren't terribly good so I squashed them into a little mosaic.

March tomorrow...


June said...

Lovely photos of your garden. Love the raindrops on the crocus.

Lesley said...

It's summer that leaves our gardens in a state over here. Browned-off grass and everything exhausted.
But it's the first day of autumn today!

The crocuses look so beautiful in your first pictures.

Habbie tot said...

I love your crocus pics and lupins, I love the way the water sits on their leaves, roll on summer (or even spring would do)

Rosangela said...

Que flor mais linda, amo esta cor.
E a foto das folhas com as gotas de água envolta, linda, linda.
Adoro seus post.

GrammyK said...

Thanks for the lovely tour of your garden!! Beautiful pictures!! Can't wait to see everything later in their glory. :-)

Mrs. Micawber said...

Oh, the colour of those crocuses. The perfect balance between pink and lavender - they're so beautiful it almost hurts to look at them.

Everything is so green and lush-looking on your side of the pond!

I really like the cutout paper ring (can't think of its proper name) in your mosaic, and the way each figure looks completely unique. Also the bay window with the very pretty Tiffany-style lamp.

YarnRoundHook said...

Wow, what a lovely garden. I'd love more outside space but it's hard to come by where we live. I'm not keen on gardening either, so that's probably a blessing in disguise!

sue said...

Your garden looks lovely. I have that strain of grass in mine LOL! And guess what I shall also be wafting through my bee and butterfly garden this summer, won't it be nice!

Meredith said...

Beautiful pictures, isn't it fun to see Spring popping out!

Anonymous said...

A pretty post! Especially the Crocuses. Your poor lawn, shall you have to re-seed?

Rattling On said...

My lawn is just moss at the moment. The birds have been scratching it up to use in their nests so I won't rake it til they've finished!
I've ebbn busy in the garden as well, must mean spring is approaching...pleeease.

Simone said...

Beautiful purple crocuses. My 'lawn' looks like your 'lawn' at the moment! x

rockinloubylou said...

Even in feb your garden looks pretty. I'm sure it will be really idyllic once you get busy with the Sarah Raven seeds.

flowersandhome said...

LOOOOOVE your pictures! Beautiful crocuses and very promising magnolia buds. I see you have a little containergarden too. So much fun to see those tulips popping up isn't it?

Beth of The Linen Cat said...

The crocus are such a lovely colour, we have some finally showing in the lawn, because of the long stretch of mild weather it feels almost late (although we've been plunged back into winter this week!). Your lovely photos have just reminded me I want to plant some lupins this year. Beth (the linen cat)x


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