Monday 9 January 2012

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

A bit of a wet one and only 10 miles or so but at least I got out. That's two bike rides achieved so far this January, previously I've only managed one January cycle each year since starting this weekly cycle malarky (January 2010 & 2011 both being too cold/icy/snowy).

My favourite photo is the first one of the shrouded sun. I also like the last photo of the knowe of trees behind the iron gate with the sunshine highlighting the bright red ball topped gate post. Actually, now I look back, most of the photos do seem quite sunny and I am reminded that yes, the sun did shine for a while in amongst the frequent and heavy rain showers.


Louise said...

These Saturday morning rides are lovely to see - what a great start to the day.

I love the photo of the sheep!

**Anne** said...

Gorgeous photos. Thanks for sharing.
Anne xx

Rustic Vintage Country said...

Love the sun and the sheep! Suzy x

Used-to-Bees said...

Gorgeous photos! I love the gate one too, and the shiny-with-rain lane and the way the farmhouse is picked out by the light! Thanks for sharing them.

Stocki said...

It has got to be the sheep one for me... they look so nosy... you just know they are having a gossip and summing you up as you ride past! You make me want to buy a bike! :)x

Claire said...

I'm searching for my passport and composing a note for the family right now.........
I'm running away, those photos have tipped me over the edge, lol!

They are breathtakingly beautiful, the 2nd one is gorgeous and I looove the sheep....I wonder what they were thinking?...
You do see such lovely scenery on your rides Anne.

Oh perhaps I better stay home after all, too much happening here to run away just yet.

Claire :}

Mrs. Micawber said...

The sheep are wearing blue this year, I see.

I love that tree-topped knoll. And everything is so green! My world is a brown one at present.

Diane said...

I love the line "only did 10 miles" - thats a real achievement for me! Great to see these rides back - a blog indication that spring is on its way! xxxx

Simone said...

Your photography gets better and better. My favourite photo is of the three inquisitive sheep!

Meredith said...

I love them all so beautiful and peaceful.
Happy Tuesday.

Jennyff said...

Beautiful photos but it does look cold. Glad one of us is getting out and about, I am still welded to the sofa.

Mrs. Micawber said...

Thanks for the comment, Anne. I just got on Flickr last November so I could participate in the Making Winter photo pool. (Which reminds me I haven't posted anything to the pool recently.) Otherwise all my photos are in Picasa Web albums. Flickr seems a bit cumbersome but perhaps that's because I'm used to Picasa.

my4lilgirls said...

Such beautiful photos, almost could be Ireland!!!!
Am dying to get out for a cycle, should just bite the bullet & go really :D
Karen x

sue said...

Looks a perfect day for a bike ride, you live in such a pretty part of the world!

Anonymous said...

the sheep look like they are balancing on top of the wall - great fun photo!


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