Tulips in a finger spotted vase. A card made at school by A, all mummies of P1 children at the school received similar cards, I think it's a lovely design.

It looks perfect on the mantlepiece.

Some late morning sunshine made the living room glow. I have been diligently sewing in the ends on my African flower blanket just visible in the foreground, I'm well over halfway done now, I hope to have it finished very soon (I hope very much!).

Now, the red sofa. The first "big thing" hubby and I bought when we moved in to our first house together just over 10 years ago. I loved it then.

But now I'm not so keen on the colour. I find it a bit soft and squishy to sit on comfortably. The room is not really quite big enough for two large sofas and where it is narrows the way the room looks.

So, tomorrow a local charity are coming to collect it and take it away to sell it in their furniture shop. I hope it's a decision I won't regret.

But we rarely use it, the green sofa is much more comfy (and it's a sofa bed).
I'm looking forward to the feeling of extra space.
Things will look very different tomorrow...
Good luck with sofa going to a new home. Your tulip card is lovely and you will treasure it so much in few years to come when your littlies are a bit older. Rachael Xx
Your tulip card is lovely - I have a similar one that Our Daughter made at school a few years ago. I have a scrapbook where I keep the cards that she gives me and I so like looking at the other cards when I place the latest card in it.
With the sofa gone you will feel that you have a big vast space which in a few days will seem to shrink! Hope you a had a Grest Mother's Day.
Your sitting room looks so cosy. Re the beanie - you can easily do it in an evening. So quick. I just did up to 7 spaces then increase then I did the 5 rows then the decrease row but you'll have to paly around to see what fits. I had to frog a couple of rows till I was happy. xx
Dear Anne, you're going to have fun redoing your living room... I envision a comfy lounge chair in it's place. Loved seeing your home, are those 3 big Christmas Cactus on the shelves in the back? I have 3 too in my kitchen garden window. How do yours do with not much light? Mine are tiny compared to yours!
I still have a Mother's Day picture my son did in 2nd grade or so, it's hearts and it says Happy Mother's Day and his name in the corner, it came in a plastic frame and I'm sure that's why I still have it. I hung his little plaster handprint above it.
Hope your envelope gets to you soon!
Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)
What a pretty room. I love the sunny walls (I have yellow throughout my home as well) and your picture with the sun coming in was lovely. :-)
A lovely card! I love your red sofa but your room will look gorgeous with or without it xx
I love the card..
sofa is lovely and it's wonderful it's going to a new home.
Take care
I love your cosy sitting room, can we see an after picture (says cheeky me who hasn't shown her sitting room yet!)? It's so good to see all your bookshelves, we are overcome with books and I always feel it makes things very cluttered but still can't bear to part with them.....now I'm hoping they look as good as yours do! Juliex
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