Off and away just after 8am. Weather conditions a little gloomier and colder than it has been but still dry.

Looking back towards the village, foreground left we have my usual view of a ewe and her lambs (ie running away!)

Daffodils line this road, I like the paler ones here.

Farm buildings.

A distant stately(ish) home.

Tree mound.

A road (not one I take today) through green fields.

The gorse is in full bloom. A long row of houses tops the fields above the reservoir. In the distance can be seen the faint outlines of mountains.

I spot quite a few blackthorn bushes out this way though it's still not terribly common round here. I'll try and remember where they are so I can return for sloes in the Autumn.

Sheep safely grazing.

The view across the Clyde to the mountains of Cowal, not terribly clear today.

Cow feeding trailer thingy on a little knoll with interesting fence post arrangement in front(!)

Knarled old gorse.

Mossy trees.

Back past the soldiers, then home.

I make some
fatty cutties to have after lunch, the ride was quite a hilly one so I feel I deserve some carbs.
Now, to the garden...
...we've had glorious weather Sunday & Monday...

Our tulips are now in bloom. I like these simple shaped ones which reliably pop up every year rather than the more fancy ones which usually need replanting.

It's the first year we've had blossom on our little ornamental cherry.

Today A and a friend made a pebble sculpture.

And just for the record (seeing as this is the only form of diary I keep)...

A and I went to the theatre earlier in the week. I'm glad she's still a big fan of
Charlie & Lola as I like them too. We both enjoyed the puppet show very much then we took the underground to the West End (Glasgow not London!) for a huge lunch, browsed a couple of shops (with a slightly smelly almost untouched pizza doggy bag) then returned home on the bus. It was lovely to have a day out with my little girl, hopefully there will be many more to follow. In the meantime hubby (on a day's holiday to look after N) went swimming and for a bike ride so they had fun together too.
PS Thank you to everyone who has recently left comments, they're very much appreciated (and I do try to return the favour). I've also reached 100 followers which is happy news, thanks again!
What a lovely post with fab photos, love the tulips!
Another lovely ride. Thanks for sharing.xx
Another fabulous journey - that old gorse bush could tell a tale or two if it could talk I'm sure. Having just returned from Rome I appreciated the greeness of your photos!
Isn't it lovely to have a day out with your girl - just the best! Can you tell us some more about the red soldiers, please! Oh and I like the look of the fatty cutties - is it a secret family recipe or could you share it? Bit cheeky but our hens are laying like mad and we are keen to try some new baking treats! Love those peonies too!
Oo I do love joining you on your bike rides...always lovely things to see. I am def going to have a go at the fatty cutties!!! I am from the NE of England originally and we had something very similar...but called singing hinnies. Re parchment yarn...I think I used 3 100g balls for a blanket with 100 squares. I always err on the side of caution and had 4. xx
Your bike rides are great,I get to see all these beautiful things without any sweat on my part:) Beautiful pictures!
Thanks once again for taking me along on the ride.. the old gnarled gorse was a favorite.. plus the lambs.
Hugs from Oregon, USA -- Teresa :-)
I'll have to try making Fattie Cutties with my daughter - looks so simple and delicious.
Your bike rides seem to take you to truly gorgeous places.
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