The postman delivers a box. Its contents are carefully wrapped in zingy green tissue paper secured by a beautiful felt bird... could only be something lovely from Beth at
The Linen Cat...

... a fabulous fairy mouse. Now carefully re-packed and hidden as it's a Christmas present for A. I hope she likes it, if not I'll happily look after it for her!

While I was out on the gravel, I took another photo of my own sewing attempts. A gingerbread man has joined the posse as promised.

Now to this morning and we joined much of the rest of the country in experiencing our first snow shower of the year. So no Saturday morning cycle though there wouldn't have been one anyway as I'm currently suffering from some kind of mild sickness bug, the appetite seems to be slowly returning now so hopefully whatever it was is going away.
I did make a feeble attempt at a couple of snowy photos in the garden...

It all looks lovely, though I'm being grown-up and boring and hoping it doesn't get any worse and that the roads stay clear!
Hope all is well wherever you are this weekend...
Oh the mouse is just beautiful...and I love your decorations x
Hi Anne, Huge thanks for such a lovely mention, glad you like her and very pleased to see she arrived OK. I do love your felt decorations and lucky you getting some snow, we haven't seen a flake here although it's quite icy and frosty. Hope you're feeling better soon. Bethx
Love your handmade gift and your darling felt ornaments and your pretty snow!! Thanks for sharing, it gets me even more in the mood to get my tree up today and get the lights on for this evening!! Weee!
Hope you are feeling better? we too had a little snow during the night and I love your snowy pictures. You have some lovely christmas decorations there and Beth make beautiful things doesn't she.
I'm sure A will love it - how could she not ? Your decorations are just lovely too... we've got lots of snow about 8/9" now at least !! Hope you feel better soon.
mouseygirlie was lovely..and your decos too!..get yourself well..snuggle up with woolly things and hot water bottles etc and get better soon
Hope you're feeling a lot better. I wonder if you have more snow now? We have masses now....not sure whether the boys will have school or not (can't decide if it's good to have them at home or not!).
Your decorations are lovely, lots of details. And Beth's mouse is just gorgeous. I'm sure A will love her.
Snow, tree decorations, gifts and holly!
What a lovely glimpse of Christmassy things to come.
What a dear little mouse! And your decorations are lovely too.
Hope you feel better soon.
Lovely - I'm into making the felt decs at the moment too! xxx
What a gorgeous little mouse Anne. I am sure your daughter will be totally thrilled with her. I love the dress. I never fail to be inspired by the great photos you take of your countryside surrounds. We have just had our first snowfall of the winter here and although it is very pretty and northern wind is excruciatingly cold.
looks like you've been working very hard with all those xmas decorations to show for it. Beautiful. And your snow looks amazing. We have a lot here too.
Another comment - i looked up your blog archive for your delicious tiffin recipe (Little R's xmas fair is friday and we have to contribute) and saw the photos of the peas you'd gathered. Seems so long ago!
Love your Christmas decorations and the snow pictures are lovely though I take your point about the snow. Guess it makes things difficult and is very wet.
Love your decorations - you need to make a heap for Christmas fairs next year I feel!
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