January:- Cold and snowy. I finish joining together my first ever crocheted squares with the intention of making a cushion cover - as of 2012 it is still incomplete and as it is full of mistakes it will probably now be frogged when I find it...
February:- Sunny and bright! I begin my round crocheted cushion fever - #1 is complete, the yarn is selected for #2.
March:- Some late snow and a snowman. Round cushion #2 well underway. A strange abandoned doll collection is spotted while on a bike ride.
April:- Round cushion #3 now begun. I make some leaded candle holders for a give-away, my favourite is the robin. Great to get washing dried outdoors, still quite a cold month I recall.
May:- My favourite month of the year, 2010 was a good one. We caught great weather at the end of the month for our holiday in Kilcudbright. Round cushion #2 is complete. I discover African flowers and before I know it I have started my first crocheted blanket.
June:- Show month & birthday month. Round cushion #3 complete. The blanket is growing...
July:- A decent pea harvest, yummy. Still the blanket grows, like the garden full of flowers.
August:- I cycle to Loch Lomond (and back). We go for some trips before the holidays finish. A started school & N started nursery.
September:- September 2010 was lovely. My other favourite month of the year. Lots of great cycling weather. A bumper crab apple & bramble harvest.
October:- It looks like I finally started tackling sewing in the ends of the African flower blanket. Cooking & Baking becomes more hearty as the days shorten.
November:- Quince brandy - I don't like it! My first crocheted scarf. First snow of the winter. I begin crafting some felt ornaments for the Christmas Fairs to come.
December:- Lots of snow, beautiful. More mincemeat than I know what to do with. Christmas is coming...
Beautiful way to summarise the year - I love the idea of doing the same.......but really don't think I dare start as I know I'd spend ages on it! Juliex
What a lovely idea - I'm always admiring people's month photo-mosaics and thinking I should do the same but it's never occurred to me to do it with previous years. Bet it's a lovely way to bring back memories! I recognise your January Elvis I think - is he at Kelvingrove?
So many of your photos are works of art in their own right.
I love the mosaics. They are so colourful and what a lovely way to remember each month.
Wow, so many beauties all in one place. I am fascinated by the Elvis. I love the longhaired, long-horned cattle - someone near us has a herd of them. And the very story-book-looking toadstool is amazing. The entire December mosaic is so wintry and Christmassy it almost makes me sorry spring is here. (Almost.)
Love the mosaics. Wonderful idea!! Something I would love to do... if I only had more time!! :-) The March babies gave me a fit of giggles!! Someone has a strange sense of humor. :-) Thanks for sharing!!
Such a great way to record a year. I only managed three '9 patch' mosaics for 2011, you are clearly a prolific photographer. And judging by all those different projects a very busy lady too :D
Look at all that colour? That's something I wouldn't be getting tired of year in, year out...
I love these, they'd make a great calendar
Lovely memento of a year, great idea!
Oh Anne, I am in awe of your computer skills and patiencecputting together these mosaics.........must take quite a lot of time just choosing foro your wonderful selection of pics.
Some beautiful things in there, cupcakes, Red Robins,flowers, gorgeous crochet and much more.
Fab way to look back over the year and as Rattling On said they would make a brilliant calendar.
Clair e;}
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