Friday 7 March 2014

Hanging On In There...

Some catching up. February was a busy old month.

The cat managed to find time to relax though, in a cosy nook in the study.

 At the beginning of the month I found time for a little crochet.

A juggling ball. I have made two more, but I'll need to make another one as this first one was too holey and the pop corn I used to fill it in in danger of working it's way out!

Like much of the country, we have had a very wet and gloomy February. There were a couple of sunny moments though.

 More sunshine.

I spent most of February on a teaching placement. It was in a nursery and I now know nursery's not for me! Not that I ever really thought it would be, and teachers are being taken out of nurseries here anyway to save money, but sometimes it's good to know these things for sure. While on placement I made good use of my laminator making up some resources, I enjoyed that part...

...though I did make quite a mess in the process.

In nursery, the focus one week was on sorting so I brought in my rather well-stocked button tin. The children especially loved the gold and silver buttons. Many "cools" and "awesomes" were uttered as the "special" buttons were discovered.

I also made my own discovery - can you spot the difference between the next two photos?

The Gruffalo, first in Scots, then in standard English. One of the other students on placement brought in the Scots version when the children were doing a Scotland topic, I rather enjoyed it and now have my own copy.

Like I said, the weather hasn't been great and I've not been tempted to venture out into the garden much...

 ...except for one glorious afternoon when the sun shone warmly and it felt like spring was just round the corner.

 The crocuses were glowing.

 Hubby's had another birthday, the children decorated the cake.

And lastly, an eagerly awaited package arrived for me. I was rather worried when I saw the state of it -I fully expected to find what was enclosed to be in pieces.

But it wasn't, phew! It's a ukulele, I was lucky to find this one on ebay at a bargain price. I had been trying and failing to learn guitar. I just found it too painful and my progress was excruciatingly slow. I wanted an instrument I could take into class (my double bass isn't good for singing along too!). During a music session at uni the tutor suggested a ukulele as an alternative to the guitar. I have to say I love it! It's so dinky and a joy to play. Today, before catching my train home from Uni I bought this book. I'll be dabbling in uke practising when I have any spare moments as a respite from yet more essay writing, next one due in two weeks time, eek! Time is just flying by! Enjoy the weekend...


Amy at love made my home said...

It looks as though you had a very busy month!! So much going on. Your crocus pictures are very pretty, and it is very interesting to see the gruffalo in "Scottish" I think that it sounds much better!! xx

Neighborhood Watch said...

Ah, a uke! We had a boy at our school who played one as he ambled from one class to the next during class changes. I loved that.

Claire said...

Lovely catchup on Feb, Anne......
Loved the Gruffalo in Scottish.....Was just talking to my son last night about our trip to Scotland in 2007. We were remembering how hard it was to understand some folk....their accent being so strong. We were sure we were speaking the same language but had trouble understanding them. Same as in the USA, I would have to ask people to repeat what they said a couple of times and vice versa......
Love seeing the nooks and crannies cats find to curl up in.
Have fun with your Uke. My son and I joined the local Uke group and are having so much fun with it, but I really need to practice in between get togethers!!

Claire :)

CJ said...

I love the cat's napping spot, it reminds me of the poem "Cats sleep any where, any table, any chair". I loved seeing The Gruffalo in Scots, brilliant. Good luck with the ukelele, it looks lots of fun.

driftwood said...

love the kitty photo!

I'm thinking we need a ukele!

Lyn said...

A lovely round up of your February. It is hard when you are trying to do lots that you don't seem to have much time for yourself but you managed to remember to photograph the odd moment. Xxxx

Meredith said...

You are so busy, but is a beautiful way. Take god care of yourself.

Mairéad said...

You've certainly had a busy month. Love your lazy cat and the spring flowers.

Julie said...

That is such a classic cat spot. I imagine working in the nursery must have been pretty intense - we have the Scots version of gruffalo's child and love it too.
Thanks for the tip re Vintage Squirrel, I have been enjoying looking at here blog and will look up the studio when we get up there! Juliex

Mrs. Micawber said...

Isn't it funny the way we rush for the camera when the sun is shining after a long spell of gloomy weather ... I know that urge!

Love the cat photo - how did she get up there without knocking anything down? Those crocuses are lovely under their coating of spring snow. And happy birthday to your husband!

Ukeleles are so cheerful-sounding. Have fun with yours, and good luck with all the essays. Hope you can get some cycling in too. (Took my first ride of the year today and boy did it feel good.)

P.S. Is there another difference between the Gruffalo photos, or just the language? I was glad to see the translation as "plook" had me stumped. :)

Annie Cholewa said...

I'm fascinated by the Scots version of The Gruffalo ... the Welsh version is rather less comprehensible, unless of course you speak Welsh! Is there a Scottish Gaelic version, do you know?

Unknown said...

I wish my kids did ukulele at school instead of that ghastly recorder... urgh.

Unknown said...

I wish my kids did ukulele at school instead of that ghastly recorder... urgh.

Unknown said...

I wish my kids did ukulele at school instead of that ghastly recorder... urgh.

Unknown said...
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