Saturday 31 August 2013

Satrurday Morning Bike Ride.

I managed to get out on a bike ride this morning, the only one for August. I always take my camera when out on my bike and always wonder if I'll really see anything new. Of course I do. It took me about three hours to cycle out, and one hour to cycle home. I didn't take any photos at all on the way home - just shows how much time I spend footering around taking pictures, but I enjoy it.

We begin with a rainbow, the hawthorn berries are ripening, cows are curious. Two of my favourite farm signs - the first one features a drawing of a cow and there happen to be cows visible beside the sign, the second is a painted ironwork sign featuring a sheep and there are sheep in the field behind. How serendipitous! As ever, hogweed and other umbellifers call for my attention. The swallows are gathering on the telephone lines, soon they'll be leaving, I've not seen many this year. The horse chestnut trees are always the first to show their Autumn colours, brambles are ripening, Summer is leaving us.

I decide to head up the glen to explore the old abandoned farm. It's almost exactly a year since I first visited it (I discovered some fascinating anecdotes concerning the farm which I included here). Little has changed. It's still a beautiful place.


Louise said...

A gorgeous set of photos as always. I've been noticing the presence of autumn in the air down here. Hope you've had a good first week of the PGCE.

Linda said...

You've captured the change in the season beautifully. The berries seem especially good this year. Some home-made rowan jelly, perhaps?

Kate said...

Lovely photos :-) Thanks for sharing.

Meredith said...

Such beatuy to see while on your ride, I especially love the ones with the cows, they are such beautiful and gentle creatures.

Claire said...

Lovely pics Anne, gorgeous red berries against a green background. Love the sheep farm sign too.
So nice to ride through such picturesque countryside no wonder it takes 3 hours!!
Thanks for taking the time, love seeing the view on your side of the globe.

Claire x

SaraJ said...

Isn't it beautiful as the season changes. Gorgeous photos. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Rosemary said...

There is definitely more than a hint of autumn in the lovely photos from your bike ride.

pembrokeshire lass said...

Lovely pictures as always. You seem to have far more berries than we do! I love the pictures of the hogweed and, yes, the farm signs seem spot on! I always feel sad seeing abandoned farmsteads. I think of the hard lives the families had living there. Oh my. We farmers are really spoilt these days....although most of our stress comes from government decrees, inspections and forms. Joan

Simone said...

Fabulous photos and what glorious weather you have been getting!

Julie said...

Love the hawthorn berries. We seem to have masses of fruit and berries around here this year - the rowan branches are all drooping under the weight. Juliex

* said...

Great pics, you can almost feel the change can't you? I've felt like that the past few days...somehow that autumn is soon upon us. Despite living in a little village, the roads are busy with cars and agricultural vehicles, and cycling would feel a scary prospect, I know like you, my cycle time and photo time would be a little erratic, I know I already get ticked off for carrying my camera on walks, and lagging behind!

The cow in your pic looks full of calf! Lovely!

Beth of The Linen Cat said...

Beautiful photos, and they feel very seasonal - looks like you're a bit ahead of us. I can't wait for it to cool off a bit and for the leaves to start to turn. Love the berries. Bethx

Unknown said...

i would sure like to take this bike ride!! beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You can certainly see that Autumn is about to happen. Lovely images.

Lyn said...

A post full of gorgeousness!

blueskyscotland said...

That's the great thing about the outdoors, there's always something new to discover even in well known areas.
Betty's name rang a bell but it took me ages to remember why I knew it. She has lines from one of her poems embedded into the stone seat I've used for lunch several times in the past, cycling the lanes above Lochwinnoch.


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