Tuesday 18 December 2012

A Ta Da...

One Christmas crochet request fulfilled...

Can you guess what it is yet? The colours were carefully selected by N as it will be one of his Christmas presents.

Green, brown and black...

...with a little bit of red and cream. And some buttons...

I expect it's obvious now. Sssssssssssss!

Now, where to position the eyes...

Eh, I don't think so...


But I like this way best.

Tada! One crocheted snake. I used this (free!) pattern for the head and body but with my own random stripes and a more gradual decrease in girth towards the tail. For the tongue I did something like ch15, 1 ss in 2nd ch from hook, 1 ss in next 5 ch, ch7, 1 ss in 2nd ch from hook, ss to end, turn and ss back up to beginning of fork, fasten off. For the cream part of the eyes I did ch4, join with ss, ch2, (UK)tr into ring x14, join with ss, fasten off.

Photo shoot time...

He's bigger than I expected - from the tip of his tongue to the tip of his tail he's 130cm long.  Now he's been hidden till he's wrapped for the big day.  I hope N likes him, he did really want one he'd seen in a shop (Ikea) but I persuaded him to let me make him one instead - I did wonder what exactly I'd committed myself to once I'd got started, but now that he's complete I'm rather pleased with him and am glad I made the effort.

If you've been paying attention you'll have noticed I made two tongues and four eyes. Why? Because once A heard N was getting a snake made she decided she'd like one too. Here are the colours she has chosen:-

Now to get hooking again, the deadline is looming!


Rustic Vintage Country said...

ooo 'eck I thought it was a golf club cover at first! The snake is much better, well done, love it! x

Mairéad said...

That is really cool - bound to become a family heirloom.
I still have a colourful clown my mother-in-law knitted for my son when he was a toddler.

Louise said...

I'd be thrilled to unwrap that on Christmas day - what a fantastic snake, I love it and I'm sure N will too. Great job.

Meredith said...

MR Snake is adorable, I believe Miss Snake will be too. Hugs to you,

VintageVicki said...

Gorgeous :) He reminds me of Sid who spent large parts of summer in our garden!!

Rattling On said...

I thought golf club cover as well, he's great!!

Cybèle said...

I suspect if I showed this to my N, he'd immediately want one too (actually his grandfather bought him that snake from Ikea a few years ago). Instead he's getting a knitted reindeer!
Your snake is great, wouldn't mind it myself ;-)

rockinloubylou said...

what a beseeching little expression your snake has. it's like he's saying, "cuddle me!"

driftwood said...

oh that is one cute snake!

itsjustperi said...

Mr Snake looks great ... I'm cutting it fine too. I've got a reindeer finished but the green monkey is pushing it !

Lyn said...

Wow that's great! And so different too. Xxx

Mrs. Micawber said...

I was thinking: Light bulb hat? Water bottle cover? Even the forked tongues didn't clue me in - had to see the completed project. It's amazing what a difference the eye placement can make.

Can't wait to see A's girly-coloured snake!

Gillian Roe said...

It's lovely! I really like it. Lucky N, and it's extra special since you made it yourself. Good luck completing the second one for A - I am also in the midst of some frantic last minute hooking... x

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Beth of The Linen Cat said...

He is wonderful, I'm sure N will love him! Have a fabulous Christmas. Bethx (thelinencat)

susie said...

Sssso pretty, thissss sssssnake :)
Merry Christmas !

Unknown said...

absssssssolutely sssssstupendous!!

panavia999 said...

Super cute. Thanks for sharing.


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