Wednesday 10 October 2012

Burns & Dunure


Some images from Sunday when we visited the Burns Museum, Cottage and Auld Kirk in Alloway then went on to Dunure to explore the castle and beach.

We preferred Dunure to the visitor attractions in Alloway. Castle ruins and beach - great for a sunny day out, all free too. We had tea at the Dunure Inn, it was very good. 


Anonymous said...

Hello Anne,
Nice post, I really like your blog.
Beautiful photos.


June said...

Looks like a great day out and you can't beat some time at the beach especially at this time of year when you can have the place to yourself.

* said...

Dunure looks gorgeous, I have some photos of an old ruined lookout over the sea, and took some pics of the sea through the 'window'. Some of the best days with kids are the simplest aren't they?

Your photos are lovely as ever ...the rain seems to have been non-stop for days here so not so fine for beach days, dog-walking is becoming a very grim affair!

Meredith said...

Beautiful day, I love the sea glass.

Anonymous said...

Stunning images, especially the first one.

rockinloubylou said...

Amazing photos as ever, but I especially love the little sketch of Tam O'Shanter wearing a Tam O'Shanter!

itsjustperi said...

Looks awesome .

Lyn said...

beautiful photos. such great expanse of sky.

Gillian Roe said...

Really great photos, looks like a fabulous place. And you had such amazing weather. I love the beach shots. x

Claire said...

Stunning pics Anne, so much beautiful, blue sky.
Love the fishing trawler weather vane and great sea glass find......

A wonderful outing.....

Claire :}

Annie Cholewa said...

Beautiful images of a glorious autumn day. I almost feel as if I'm there!

Simone said...

Wonderful photos!

Leanne said...

hello Anne, nice to meet y7ou. I loved these photos, it looks a beautiful place! A really good-for-the-soul place!

Leanne x


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