Monday 13 August 2012

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

On the road for 7am. At this stage I still had lots to do for the family celebration we were having on Sunday, but it was very nice to escape the house and the cleaning/tidying for a few hours.

A hazy morning (I had been hoping for one of the lovely golden mornings you can get in August, but it wasn't to be).

Crow on hawthorn.

A view of fields over a brambly hedge.

Seagull on telegraph pole.

Favourite fence post and golden field.

And again.

A different fence post and field, a few miles further on.

This is a good route for golden fields at this time of year. Sometimes though I feel reluctant to head out this way, especially if I'd not been cycling as often as I'd like to and am feeling a little unfit. It's downhill to begin with, which is nice, except that on the way home (when I'm not quite so fresh and the old legs are tired) I have to finish the ride with a steep uphill climb. Ughhhh.

A much zoomed shot of the view of distant Glasgow tower blocks.

Curious cows, I like the expression of the one with the eye patches.

Three black cows are lined up further to the right, here I like the shape of their ears.

Ooooh, bales, I do like taking photos of bales (not sad, honest!). 

I decide to take the road past the Formakin Estate, quite a few of the lovely buildings are easily visible from the road.

The buildings are designed to look old but only date from the early 1900's.

Instead of gate posts there are little stone gate towers around the estate. This one has a rather ferny topping.

It's been a while since I've been along this road and I'd forgotten how pretty the views are.

All the estate buildings are now private dwellings.

Lovely countryside, and look, blue sky.

Umbellifers. In general, there aren't as many wildflowers along these roads as there are along the ones I've been frequenting recently.

A last set of stone gate supports.

More fields of bales.

A little red barn in the distance (for Mrs Micawber)

Now a view over the Clyde as it widens from a river to a firth.

A very green field dotted with cows and contrasting nicely with the rosebay willowherb in front. Some decorative stonework also included.

I faff around for a couple of minutes trying to get a decent shot of the gates nearby. I turn to look across to the other side of the road and...

...realise I'm causing a mini stampede.

The biggest cow line-up yet. Just a shame the hedge is a little too high to see them all clearly.

On again, more Clyde views but sadly the mountains to the north are obscured by the haze.

Up a steep hill, taking a photo of this little tin roofed building is a good excuse to stop for breath.

I like the colours of the roof. It's hard to see in the photo, but the rusting orange matches the colour of the rowan berries in the trees behind.


Almost at the top.

This is the view to my left. The sun is starting to shine more strongly now and it's turning out to be a gorgeous morning.

And this is the view to my right.

Now I'm at the top. It's a wonderful feeling and the views are marvellous (though difficult to capture on camera). After this point I cycle the remaining ten miles or so back home without taking many more photos. I've taken enough and it's good to just enjoy the cycling. I stop in one of the villages I pass through to visit their charity shop (one I've not been to for a while) and must put my jacket back on to make space in my rack bag for a Meakin casserole dish and lid (a not-to-be-missed bargain at £2). By the time I reach the dreaded hill before home I'm feeling a little hot.

Just before the hill I pass the tree at the corner, which always calls for a photo. And I get up the hill without too much puffing at all so I'll fear it less next time I'm out.


Helsie said...

Lots or really beautiful photos today but the first one of the bales lined up in the field is exceptional - like a painting. You could enlarge it a print it on canvas it is so good.

Neighborhood Watch said...

Haha--I love the cow pile up. All those guys wondering what you were up to made me smile.

Meredith said...

absolutely beautiful, thanks for taking us along.

Grammy Braxton said...

Beautiful photos. I love the countryside and the cows. I especially love the estate buildings. I'm a fool for old buildings, homes or barns. Thank you for taking us along on your ride.


Diane said...

Totally understand the bales thing! All lovely lovely photo's.

June said...

Great photos as usual! LOve the ones with the cows and I too so understand the bales thing. Here they seem to get the bales wrapped up in black plastic sheeting before a photo opportunity arises!
Belated Happy Birthday to your son!

Rattling On said...

Everywhere seems to be looking good at the moment, it's that just-right bit of summer with sunshine and flowers! Love all your cows in the long line, they are nosey beings...

Gillian Roe said...

Love your bike rides! I am in awe of a person who can be up and out on a bike at 7am at the weekend. The cow stampede made me smile. Such a beautiful part of the world you live in. x

Simone said...

Glad you made it up the hill! Wonderful bike ride photos as always.

blueskyscotland said...

I,m surprised they have any bales wrapped up given what a poor summer its been.I bought some local carrots the other day and they were so small you needed glasses just to see them :)
Know that area well.I also spotted in your photo Anne it was Sunny in Glasgow.The heat from the city burns a hole in the clouds yet again.No wonder I like living here :)

rockinloubylou said...

I recognise a few of the roads in this post and I can vouch for them being a bit of a strain on a car engine, never mind on the legs of an intrepid cyclist. Respect!

Mrs. Micawber said...

I do like those gold-and-green hills. And what a very nice fence post. (I like them too but haven't yet found a favourite.) Love the bales - they're very hard to resist. And thank you for the barn!

The cow stampede is hilarious - they're so curious and really demonstrate the meaning of "herd mentality". And that checkerboard shot at the end - beautiful.

Congrats on conquering your end-of-ride hill! :)


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