I did a teensy bit of crafting other than crochet.

A cellist friend from orchestra was organising a cello convention and wanted some cello related goodies to sell
so I made her a few bass clef badges...

...using my trusty badge maker toy and some old practice sheet music (aged using coffee granules and water), some Country Living magazines my mum had passed on to me and a marker pen. My kitchen table is indeed usually this messy, no time to tidy it like I usually do for a photo shoot.

I was quite pleased with how they turned out. If they don't all sell I'll be keeping one for myself.

Off on a complete tangent but I liked this photo of the gooseberries we harvested from the garden, this is our first crop as the bush was only planted last year. Hubby used half of them to make a gooseberry pie (eaten without photographing, sorry), the rest are now frozen.
Earlier in the week during ashort spell of lovely sunny weather myself, A & N took a little walk along the cycle path.

Lots of huge rosehips are now forming. I'll maybe have a go at some rosehip jelly this year.

The thistles look great at this time of year, especially when contrasted against a patch of blue sky.

More blue sky with a cow parselyish thing in the foreground. I'll need to look it up to see what it really is, does cow parsley still flower in July?


Brambles starting to ripen. Last year I made bramble jam, this year I intend to try making bramble jelly. Just thinking about it is making my mouth water as I remember how delicious my granny's bramble jelly used to be, mmm.

A peek at the colourful houses from the bridge.

Back home we get out the bubbles.

Later in the week, after the paddling pool has filled with rain A & N have a great time splashing in their wellies. Better fun than with bare feet apparently.

Special Teddy also gets a soaking. Fortunately though there was time for him to take a whirl in the washing machine before bed.

And to finish, a little photo mosaic of Things In The Garden. At this time of year I have to look quite hard to find things that aren't "just" green, I find July rather lacking in big colourful plants as the early colour from the lilacs and peonies has long gone and the late colour such as from the budldleias and hydrangeas is yet to start. Can anyone recommend a good hardy plant/shrub with large coloured flowers to jazz up this little lull in garden colour during July?
Off to start the weekend now, enjoy yours!
What a great time you've been having! I love your garden! All this greenery... and the flowers. Sorry, can't help with your flower little problem!
Love the badges!
What lovely photos! And the badges are a great idea
I had a big gooseberry failure this year so was thinking of going to the local pick your own farm to see if I could get some more now that I have the notion for gooseberry jam. Loved the kids in their wellies in the paddling pool full of rain - a real Scottish July image! As for plants, I had a lavatera that flourished in full sun in july and also foxgloves bloom in july in sunny spots in my parents' garden (although in shade in mine and not blooming yet). Both cheap to buy and pretty hardy.
Lovely photography in this post. My garden is badly neglected but I will have a think about what you could plant!
I love the bass clef badges, they are fantastic!I know what you mean about the garden in July, I don't seem to have taken many flower pictures in mine, compared to last year. I hope August will bring more promise!
I love your badges, such a good idea. You got a good crop of gooseberries. Those colourful houses are so pretty.
My garden is all green at this time of year too. Lovley badges and I love the shot of the wellies in the pool!!! I miss my kids being little. xxx
Such a pretty summery post and we all love those badges.
What is that lovely thing in the middle of the top line please?
Things that are flowering in my East Renfrewshire garden right now are:- Knautia macedonica, varieties of Eryingiums, Crocosmia lucifer Diascia and Heleniums if that's any help!
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