Saturday, 3 January 2015

A Wintry Wander.

Yet another wintry walk. I loved all the tree branch silhouettes, you can probably tell!

The end of the holidays looms - my blog posting rate will soon decrease dramatically again, but it was fun while it lasted...

Thursday, 1 January 2015

2014 Monthly Mosaics.







 July (1)

July (2)






This year's monthly mosaic collection...

I didn't take many photos in March and struggled to make a set.

I took loads of photos in July - I could have made twelve sets from July alone! But I settled for two as I found it hard to narrow it down to one.

It takes me ages to make these, but I find the end result rather satisfying. I like how each month has its own colour and mood (and memories for me).

Here is a link to last year's mosaics which also includes links to 2012, 2011 & 2010.

Happy New Year!

Anne x.


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