The new blanket so far...

Forty circles. I've been good at sticking to my planned colour scheme (blues and greens with the occasional accent of red and gold), but now I really want to add some purple! What do you think - purple or no purple? I'll try a couple of purple circles and make my own mind up but I'm just curious to know what the general opinion is at this stage.
Anyway, such order doesn't last for long in this house...

...and it'll be even more fun once I've made more, I'm thinking 8 x 12 so just another 56 to go. As to the background - I'm completely undecided about that, I had thought beige but we'll see.

Despite the mess he made of my crochet circles N is actually quite a tidy and orderly little boy. Here he has lined up his Buzz Lightyear collection. Of the four big ones two are from charity shops, one is a bubble bath bottle (from skinfint me), and one is the most recent version from ebay (from his more generous daddy). I think we'll probably give one of the charity shop ones back as we've enough now and it'll mean another little Buzz fan can add to his collection.

Thanks to
Tess at Driftwood and Marylin for helping me to identify
this flower (centauria or cornflower).
It looks its best at this time of year . These photos are from Wednesday. Rain was forecast (and it has indeed arrived) so I took a couple more photos of the garden while the sun was still shining.

The cornflowers are just at the top left of our path.

The path is made of lots of flat round stones, it was one of the things I liked about the house & garden when we first viewed it. These are two balls of German sock wool I was given as a present for the little bit of cat-sitting I did recently.

The big hedge coming to life.

Pots of pansies.
As Wednesday was to be the last day of the good weather and I also had use of the car, I dragged two rather reluctant children off for a walk beside the loch and to see how the bluebell woods were looking after A had finished school.

Looking up underneath a bridge.

The loch.

The bluebells.

Once we reached the woods A & N were quite happy to play and run along the paths.

And I was quite happy too.

We returned to the car by the path along the shore of the loch, this allowed for more stone throwing so took a while. Then home.

Time to pick some more rhubarb...

...with which I made rhubarb shortbread using
this recipe from Nimble Fingers and Steady Eyebrows. Mine is quite gooey on top but still delicious though very sweet. Mmmm.
Lovely photos, as usual.!
And there's me thinking Opal yarn was from New Zealand, only because it's Raymond's yarn of choice at the moment..
Hope the sunshine comes back to you and me very soon
Take care
Absolutely, go for the purple! The colours so far are gorgeous. And I so miss Bluebells!
Sandra x
I'd say add purple! I like your path by the way.
Mmmmm rhubarb!!! Lovely circles. I love the colours. x
I love the blanket, is it wool or cotton? Beautiful colors, try purple and see what happens. Now I'm off to get some rhubarb...
Lovely photos again! I can't believe that I have taken a very similar photo to your - the cornflower with a bee! I will show it in a later post and let you know when it's there.
Aren't the bluebells gorgeous. Once they're out of the way I always think that Summer's not too far away. Sorry to hear you've had some rain - mind you the gardens need it. The grass here is parched!
I think purple would look gorgeous...and maybe some lilac/lavender? (my favourite colour combo) xx
I'd give the purple a go too , not to bright though. You can't beat Bluebell woods and a walk under the trees.
Oh your garden looks so pretty, that path just leads the eye to the veiw. I might have to make that rhubarb shortbread this weekend!
The blanket looks lovely already, but you could always try some purple, and see how it fits in. Love the picture under the bridge.
Pomona x
Well, my love of purple is very well documented, and I think it will compliment your existing lovely colour scheme, so it's a big fat YES from me!
Loving the blanket so far, I agree, you should try the purple and see how you feel. Also great photos (as usual) the Buzz boy toy thing made me laugh as mine are the same, F can spend hours lining up his Gormitis but will mess up something of mine in an instant.
Love the rounds!! Dunno about the purple... it could be a slippery slope towards also using pink (GASP!) ;-)
Have a great weekend!
A lovely post. I think I would add a touch of purple but not too much! The colour combination you are using is beautiful anyway. I love your garden path. Can we see some more of your garden? I am nosey! x
Your blanket circles look fantastic, and yes throw in a bit a purple why not. Love the garden path too, with the plants tumbling on to it, I can see why you were attracted to it when you saw the house.
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