The long settled spell of fine weather has ended here and we're back to our more typical overcast conditions. Still, Saturday morning wasn't bad - it wasn't raining and it was surprisingly warm. I wasn't especially keen to go cycling but I'd eaten a huge number of fairy cakes the previous day and knew I needed the exercise.

Once up and out I enjoyed the cycling as usual. A look back at the little row of houses as I leave the village, I'm heading off to join the cycle path.

The view of The Tree from the cycle path - one of several trees I like to photograph regularly. If you look very closely (click the pic to make it bigger) you can see a rook or jackdaw perched in the branches of the tree.

A few miles on and I'm heading out to more open countryside, still on the cycle path. I like this view of misty hills with the fleece coated fence encircling the pond/bog in the foreground.

Past the roman soldiers.


Beautiful blossom, probably a crab apple tree.
Into a neighbouring village and I head off down a woodland track which welcomes walkers but not cyclists (I ignore the sign, the track is suitable even for cars so a bike's not going to any harm). I'm on the lookout for more bluebells still.

And I eventually find some. They're intermingled with small pink starry flowers (a quick internet search and I think they are
pink purslane).

The overall effect is very pretty though not as blue as I'd hoped.

I peek out from the woods over the surrounding fields. A lovely little white cottage acts as a focal point in this picture.

Just a little further on and I come across this little fishing loch. Fishing folk are already in action so I didn't explore too far, I'll come back another day.

Highland cattle taking it easy.

A lovely beech hedge surrounds the field.

More beech trees line the road further on.

Cow parsley starting to bloom, gorgeous!
Then home... be greeted by one of the few fairy cakes left, I eat it.
Now to the crochet.

Everyone else is out of the house so I have a chance to see how things look.

I've added a few motifs with a dark purple and a light purple. I'll do the same number of each as I did for the red and gold, then it will be back to blues and greens for the rest. I think it'll be OK.

I'd recently put the purple throw on the armchair which is what made me realise I wanted some purple in the blanket too.

No space on my shelf for jugs of flowers now.

And lastly, a picture of my mosaic, just because it was there!
It was raining most of the morning today, I just notice the sun is now out - time to get out for some fresh air. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
We've just been for a lovely walk in the woods and the bluebells were incredible. The purples look beautiful! Good choice xx
Lovely post. Love those circles. x
Oh yes loving the purple additions, what yarn are you using, is it wool?
Lovely photos again - particularly like the reflections of the trees in the fishing loch one and the old bench with the cow parsley. Weather here is a bit tempremental too - one minute the sun is out and the next a downpour! Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
That second picture with the tree looks so familiar by now; I would recognise it was yours everywhere.
I like the addition of the purple to your blanket.
Thanks for coming to see my blog; Yours is truly lovely. I look forward to reading about your further adventures!
Just found your blog! Your cycle ride looked great - love the soldiers!
I like the purple :) Thanks for the monster purse order, he's on his way! Bethx
what a lovely ride! And I love how the blanket is coming along!
I enjoyed my journey around the countryside with you as usual Anne. Your area could compete with the Emerald Isle for green-ness. Must be all that rain you get. I loved the fleece around the circular fence. I bet the birds make good use of it for their nests. Your crochet looks a treat too. Lovely shades of blue and green.
The Roman soldiers are amazing - and I am sure you went far enough to work off the fairy cakes!
Pomona x
Your greens make me green!
Love that second picturR with the rook high in the tree. reminds me of my childhood rambles in Norfolk ... though that was seriously flat compared to your part of the world.
The new blanket circles look wonderful, and I think purple will add a lovely something to the scheme.
Crochet, cycling, Scotland, food, photography ... so many of my favourite things all in one blog! Your spring has obviously been much warmer than ours this year, to judge by the status of your flowering plants.
Such beautiful pictures. I rarely take photos while cycling because I feel compelled to keep pedalling all the time. (I compose poetry instead. It allows me to keep my hands on the handlebars.) Like you, I have certain favourite trees. What lovely roads you have for riding. A happy Spring to you.
Hey Anne, what a lovely post, full of beautiful pics. I'm not a bike rider but if I lived in an area as picturesque I'm sure I would get out and pedal my way around the countryside enjoying the beauty.
Love your crochet, gorgeous colours, I'm a fan of purple too.
Those little motifs look lovely all set out, brighten up any day.
Claire :}
Thank you, Mrs. Micawber, for the introduction! Andamento, your blog is lovely. I enjoyed seeing your ride, and those crocheted circles are going to be such a wonderful coverlet (or whatever you make them into). Very pleased to "meet" you!
trying madly to catch up with all my favourite blogs. Really like the addition of purple, it works beautifully with the greens and blues. What satisfying piles of crochet on the mantlepiece - lovely!
I am so impressed with the sheer amount of things you get done (and done beautifully too!). Cycling, baking, crochet, I thought I was a busy bee! I love keeping up with your projects, really inspirational. How many hours a week do you crochet roughly?
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