I was lucky with the weather, I only got rained on twice and the sun actually shone most of the time.

The countryside is looking lovely and green so for those of you in drier parts, this is what it looks like when it rains practically every day of May!

A nice little bench at the top of the hill from the village.

Looking westwards over a pond, there are swans but they're out of view. Pesky pylon lines above, tumbledown stone wall and cow parsley in front.

So many shades of green.

This weeks bird on wire photo. These are house martins. There were at least thirty or so of them flying around this little area. It's next to a farm and above a burn so there are plenty of insects around.

I managed to catch one of them in flight. They were darting around so swiftly, it was quite a spectacle. I stopped and watched them for about ten minutes.

The pretty farm sign is surrounded by hawthorn blossom at this time of year.

Looks like a favourite spot for itchy sheep!

I love this view. The little tree mound I like to photograph can be seen in the far distance.

Bands of colour; blue sky, white then grey cloud, green fields and trees, white hawthorn.

A closer look at the hawthorn.

The red gate post, beech hedge and tree sillouhette.

A little further on and looking back, the same tree can be seen on the left of the above photo.

Lovely open countryside and big skies.
A little further on I take a detour into the woods beside a little loch.

A fungus covered branch lies on the ground.

Bike shot.
Then home, with rain for the last three miles or so. This is my favourite short bike ride route (about 10 miles) for when (i) I can't really be bothered/(ii) have left too late/(iii) the weather's rubbish. The weather turned out fine so only conditions (i) and (ii) were met today!