From the week just past...

...Tuesday was beautifully suuny and noticeably warmer than normal. I hung out the first washing load of the year though the sun wasn't quite warm enough to dry it properly...

...but it was warm enough for us to play in the garden with no coats. I even did a spot of gardening, just some weeding and clearing up (a drop in the ocean really!).

The crocuses still look lovely though.

First ladybird (on an enormous dandelion which I tried unsuccessfully to pull out, I don't like them)

The patio is covered in squished dead leaves. I think the hydrangea petal skeletons are very pretty, I do like them!
I've been having a bit of a clear out of the house (not quite a Spring Clean but perhaps we'll get to that one year). I've finally managed to list a few items on ebay and a big box of books has been divided up between friends and the charity shop though I seem to be doing my best to replace the books already.

First off is this one, bought from ebay (seeing as I now have money in my paypal account from selling on ebay it's almost as though it's free!). I've not had much of a chance to look at it properly yet though first impressions are good.

Next are these two, bought for £2.99 each in Aldi's today. The knitting one is subtitled "Easy Fun for Everyone" - I'm not too sure about that! Perhaps one day I'll find knitting fun and despite the dodgy yarn colours and model styles featured in the book there are a couple of things I would like to try to knit at some point.
Cathy from
One Pink Goose is partly responsible for the next set of books, all illustrated children's books. On a recent blog post she featured a book with lovely paintings by Mary Fedden. After a little hunting around I discovered that Mary Fedden had also illustrated a children's book and I found a cheap copy via
Abe books.

It arrived the other day and on opening it I discovered it has been signed by the author and illustrator which is a lovely bonus.
Cathy also featured a card by Jane Ray who is probably my very favourite children's book illustrator. So (again cheaply via Abe books - their prices can be even cheaper than the 1p books from Amazon as the sellers can set their own p&p costs so they can be less than the £2.80 minimum set by Amazon), I bought Jinnie Ghost (
here's an amazon link).

I just love the details in Jane Ray's artwork.
While I was at it, I noticed the seller had "A Child's Book of Blessings" which is illustrated by Olwyn Whelan who I also like, so it came too.

A is at the point of starting to read paperbacks but fortunately does still enjoy picture books (so long as they're not too babyish!) so I'm able to indulge my fairly recently discovered love of illustrated children's books for a little longer. Until I had children I hadn't realised what beautiful books there were out there, and a lot of them available very cheaply second hand.
OK, one last, unrelated bargain...

...whilst on a storage box buying mission to Ikea I discovered these lovely throws reduced to £2.99, available in blue, beige or green (which I bought), too late for this winter but should be of use next winter.
Other, not so good, news - hubby fell badly from his bike yesterday evening (he commutes to work by bike three days a week) and has broken his collar bone. Fortunately that's all he has hurt and he and his bike were delivered home by a very kind motorist who saw it happen (just going too fast round a roundabout, no cars involved).
As always a wonderful treat. I can't believe you are already hanging stuff outside on the line. We still have snow coming down today. I am soooooooooo ready for the purple crocuses, I can't tell you how bad I want to look out my window and see.
Weekend Wishes,
Kate - T.G.B.
It really has been beautiful weather. Another day of gardening and bonfire here on the east coast. Hope your husband mends soon and gets back on his bike.
Too late for this winter..? it's freezing here in the Midlands and I'm sure it's colder up North, but you're probably much more hardy than we are down here
Hi Anne, how sad about hubby.. sounds painful, but glad it wasn't worse. Love the crocus and laundry photos... sunny here today too.
Teresa in Oregon USA
Laundry on the line is wonderful, the smell is divine. I sure hope your hubby is o.k. and his collar bone mends quickly.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy that sunshine.
Anne xx
Fabulous post! I love a good washing-line pic!
My kids and I have been huge Jane Ray fans since they were little. Now I'm buying and saving her books for my grandchildren.
I just love her birds and, as you say, all the details.
Do hope your husband is feeling more comfortable
I also have a real passion for book illustrations; my very favourite, I think, still has to be Arthur Rackham, although we have some fabulous contemporary artists working today. Children's books can be absolute works of art. I remember going to an art exhibition in London some years ago that showed the history of children's book illustration. A lovely post - thank you!
Hope hubby continues to recover well xx
I think it must be warmer in Scotland than it is in East Anglia - I definately won't be gardening without a coat til it gets a bit warmer!
I love Jane Ray, have you seen that Liberty have brought out a new collection of fabrics in conjunction with several children's illustrators, Jane Ray included.
Hope your husband gets better soon.
A lovely selection of books! It is still too cold to go out in the garden down here but at least it is brightening up on the odd day! So sorry to hear about your husbands accident. I bet it is really painful. I hope he soon gets better.
Hope your hubby is recovering well. John cycles too and hates it if there's a reason why he can't....hope yours doesn't get too impatient while he recovers! Juliex
Poor hubby, what a horrible thing to happen. Hope he's back on 2 wheels again soon.
Oh I do love your garden , it makes me smile every time you show us a photo . It's exactly what I would like. Sorry to hear about your Hub,, hope he recovers soon.
I've never heard of Abe Books but I'm off to check out the link in a mo, your book buys are lovely! I've been buying up old copies of Racey Helps (my Gran used to read them to us), more for the illustrations and trip down memory lane than for the boys, but they are enjoying them as well.
Especially love the Jane Ray. Bethx
The collar bone! Ouch! Glad to learn is is okay otherwise. I love all of the Company's Coming books.
Lovely post. Have been in Nova Scotia for two weeks, hard to imagine hanging washing out here in the snow!
Ha..I wondered why I had so many referrals from your blog Anne. Now I know. I am happy we have spread the word around about what wonderful illustrators Jane and Mary are. I always check the kiddies books in the charity shops now for the illustrations. I cannot believe your luck in getting signed copies. Thanks for Abe books link. I didn't realise they set their own postage rates.
PS hope hubby gets better soon. Rough luck.
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