Finally, the last of the Christmas gingerbread men has now been devoured.

These were great to make with the children as the dough was very forgiving and could be rolled out many times over without falling apart. At the time I felt I'd made far too many of the things and we did get rather fed up eating them, however, they remained fresh and crunchy inside their tin and still tasted good when they were rediscovered earlier this month. (Recipe from
Bake by Rachel Allen).
Continuing with the baking theme, this is the first year I have actually remembered to make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

Admittedly they were of the Scottish variety but nobody here minded. Pancake and crumpet terms can be a little confusing - in Scotland what we call pancakes are small and thick (called scotch pancakes or dropped scones elsewhere) whereas our crumpets are larger and thinner, and the very thin pancakes normally associated with pancake day we'd probably call English pancakes or crepes.

More food! I was very lucky in a prize draw held to promote Fair Trade and won a fantastic hamper full of goodies. Lots of chocolate, coffee, tea, sugar and honey, yum!

I was also lucky to find Feast in a charity shop for£5. It's been on my wanted list for a while. It's a lovely book to browse and I've already made a couple of things from it (ham in coke & parsnips with maple syrup) so I'm pleased with it.

Another lucky charity shop find. Brand new and only 50p, Snapdragon has a lovely blog
It's a bit of a random catch-up post I'm afraid. I've been busy recently with orchestra events - we were hosting players from the Leipzig Academic Orchester, Germany and we've had three rehearsals, a ceilidh and a concert all this past weekend.

We also had snow! This is it just starting to fall before I left for one of the rehearsals.

We ended up with around 3" - enough for a spot of sledging in the park, the above photo is of hubby & A heading home after the sledging.

The crocuses!
You have had a lovely, lucky time bargain hunting! You have some fab things there. And the snow!!!! Yikes! But I just can't believe your gb men have lasted all this time....either you made hundreds or else you are all very restrained at your place!!! Enjoy your week! x
I saw you go tmore snow on the news. We got as little sleet. I have had ebough of the cold now. Roll on spring. xx
Lots of lovely things - you are so good at charity shop hunting...I guess your 'luck' is really down to skill.
I love Nigella's ham in coke in her Nigella Bites, wonder of it is the same?
Bit envious with your snow. We had rain instead and I'd really been hoping for a proper wintry weekend.....will have to put away the sledge soon! Juliex
Gingerbread men would never last so long in my house!
I have a snapdragon mirror very like that one!
Those poor crocuses - hope they are ok when the thaw comes.
Amazed how long your GB men have lasted - my boys would have devoured them weeks ago.
great bargains! and what long-lived gingerbread men. wouldn't last as long in my house. Poor crocuses. Hope they survive.
Eating the last gingerbread man was the kindest thing to do as he was probably really sad and lonely on his own. Well that would have been my excuse anyway :)
what lovely finds!
The birdie cup is by Pip Studio. I saw them first on
and just fell in love! If you pop on to her blog and look on the sidebar on the right (you have to scroll down quite a bit) then you can see lots of lovely piccies. I know John Lewis sells them and some online shops too. Rachael Xx
How did you forget about the poor Gingerbread Men?? I made a whole GB house and it got eaten in a few days! Just discovered your lovely blog.
aren't those crocuses comical?
Will the crocuses survive?
They looked so cheerful in your last pic - amazing how your weather can change from one extreme to the other so quickly.
Loved all the sunshiny washing pics in the last post as well.
how lucky are you with your charity shop finds.
Ah I remember eating drop scones at my grandmother's home in Northumberland as a child. I loved them. I haven't eaten them for years. The only trouble with them is their moreishness.
I have been reading about the north/south divide in our weather. We have been basking in "nearly" spring weather and you have had snow.
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