A dry though cloudy start to the day, not as cold as I was expecting either. I set off about 7:40 this time.

The bike shot, this was towards the top of the first climb.
If you look over the hedge just above the saddle you can see the folly which featured so much in my last bike trip. We're on the opposite side of the valley this time, with no atmospheric mists today.

And a cow shot straight away too. What a poser.

We're off round the reservoir again. It has very grand entrances, above is a detail from one of the gates.

I get off the bike and have a brief wander through pine trees for a view of the reservoir.

The reservoir view turn out to be not particularly inspiring at this point, I prefer the pine cones on the forest floor.

Back on the bike, lovely autumn berries line the roads.

More cows, I liked the different colours of these ones but they didn't like me! Soon they were off, running along the edge of the field as fast as they could.

Looking back down hill. I think I'll try this route in reverse next time, a lot of the lovely views seem to lie behind me.

A rook posing on the top of a tree.


The sun bursts through the clouds, a beautiful view of the reservoir (remember you can click for a larger image)

More gate details.

Heading back home, telegraph posts attract my attention.

A cycle through some gorgeous greeness just before the final descent back into the village.

Later I chopped up the crab apples ready for making into crab apple jelly.