I'm a little late posting this, let's see what I remember...
Hmmm, the weather didn't look too promising at first - what we would call a smirr (very, very fine rain).

Daffodils are out though, brightening up a little view across grassy fields.

Off up the hill past one of the many pylons (and a section of pretty railings).

About halfway up, a nice row of little beech trees lines the road on the left.

Looking back down the hill, a lovely view (despite the pylons).

This is how I would paint sheep - round white woolly body with black legs, face and ears.

Cows, being nosey as usual.

The rain has gone and the views up here are fantastic and clear - my photos fail to capture the clarity and beauty of the distant hills. Skylarks are singing.

More hills in the distance behind more sheep.

The avenue.

Probably my best photo of The View (clicking on any photo enlarges it for a better look)

The little black dots on the hillside are cows. In one of the fields behind me some men are flying model aeroplanes.

Aside from the aeroplane enthusiasts I do not meet another car or see another person for about 8 miles or so along these little roads. People have left signs of being here though...

Much of the roadside is blighted by fly tipping. Why these people drive miles out into the countryside instead of taking their rubbish to the local council tip is beyond me.

Beyond the bath and at the brow of the next hill I come across two hares bounding along the road and across the field, I'm too slow with my camera to capture them though.
Then I head towards home, I enjoy the long downhill and don't even think about stopping for photos.

Back on the flat and I take one last picture. Normally I avoid taking photos of houses, there are plenty about - we stay in a well populated area (for Scotland anyway). I like this shot though.
Now onto a short random photo diary collection...

Our toddler group held a fundraising event. I baked the weighty cake - 2 lb 9 oz, my scales don't do metric.

Also tiffin, chocolate caramel shortbread and tablet for the homebaking stall.

This morning, I had a quick look at the garden in the rain. We've lots of lupins.

And I just planted this white mossy saxifrage at the weekend.

I like how jackdaws perch on the roofs of the neighbouring houses, there's always one right at the very point of this one. Our flowering currant in the foreground is almost a flowering flowering currant.
Just had a busy couple of weeks. Things should settle down a little now, although school holidays start this weekend, where is the time going - it's just zooming by!