Sunday 5 September 2010

Pass The Book Giveaway Winners...

Thanks to all who entered the pass-the-book giveaway begun by Emma of Silver Pebble.

The names of all those who wished to take part were put into A's lovely summer hat.

And the winner is...
... Country Girl of Life on the East Coast!

The runners-up were drawn from the hat in a similar manner...
So the first runner up is Lyn of Everyday Life, and there was enough tablet for two further runners-up - rockinloubylou of A Country Mouse Writes and Louise of Handmade in Gibraltar.

Please could you all send me you addresses ASAP (so I'm not tempted to eat any more tablet!) my email address is, thank you!

We had a very busy robin in the garden today. I think at this time of year they start to defend their territory and he seemed to think his reflection in the french doors was another robin. This evening I can hear him singing away in the garden as I type.

You may have noticed my name slips for the draw were arranged on this book in the first photograph. I'm trying to use up some of our courgettes and am a little bored with savoury dishes, any excuse for a cake and this particular one requires grated courgette. I made it this afternoon...

I had to bake it for about twice as long as directed, plus I didn't line my cake tin - I think I've learned my lesson now as the lovely sticky coconut base is, well, stuck, so the cake comes apart a little on serving, my fault. Still tastes nice though and it's relatively fruity and low fat so it's not too guilt-inducing (unlike the tablet!)

Earlier this morning I took a trip down memory lane, thanks to being pestered to read to A & N from a charity shop annual. I defy anyone not to be cheered up by listening to this, enjoy!


Lyn said...

Oh thank you so much!
I do love Blogland!!!
and you might be getting a kittie in spring, how exciting!

Lesley said...

Well done and happy tablet eating to Lyn!
Thanks for the give-away — I'll try harder next time!

Hazel said...

Gutted!! Lucky lucky people. xx

Louise said...

Oh wow !!!!
I'm so happy , this is the first time I've won a give-away !
Will email now
Louise xx


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