I'm a little late with passing on the book - that's because the dog ate it! Only kidding (we don't have a dog)...
Emma of Silver Pebble started this pass the book giveaway away back in June. I was the fortunate winner, as I mentioned here. I have read the book (Cranford), enjoyed it, have even bought the DVD to watch one wintry evening, and, now that I have found the book again (ahem!), I am ready to pass it on, along with a few other goodies.
Here is what is on offer...
First Prize
The Book - a lovely red pocket sized edition of Cranford for you to read and pass on.
Some birdy flowery stationery - pencil box, A5 hardback spiral bound notepad, sticky notes.
A couple of glassy things made by me - a glass glob fridge magnet and a glass bead bracelet.
I would have like to have made a leaded candleholder/suncatcher but I'm afraid I just don't have time at the moment and don't want to delay things even more. I will however make a batch of tablet so the pencil box will arrive filled with delicious buttery Scottish tablet (you need a sweet tooth to like it!).
First Runner Up
Tablet filled pencil box, small spiral bound birdy notebook, sticky notes
A Couple More Runners Up (the exact number depends on how much tablet I manage not to eat myself!)
If you're interested in participating, please have your own blog, and leave a comment on this post. The winners will be drawn from a hat, entries close midnight of Saturday 4th September. The winner reads the book and passes it on "along with a nice something or other. Some chocolate, some seeds or a small hand-made something will do very well indeed." Good Luck!
We are lucky to have quite an open outlook from the house looking Westwards and we've been having some lovely skies here lately.
Tomorrow is to be nice again and my bike is ready - I can't wait to get back out on it again.
If you can bear it, here is yet another blanket update. Can you spot the difference between the next two photos?
Here's a big clue as to which one was replaced...
I've also been adding some crochet photos to Flickr. I'm still very much a Flickr novice but I'm really enjoying finding out more about how it all works. I can spend ages browsing all the inspiring photos like-minded people have added. Whatever your style is you can easily find something you'll appreciate. Once you add photos, join a group which looks relevant and share - people are so generous with positive comments, it's quite motivating and inspiring! One thing I saw mentioned a few times is Flickr Explore. I didn't know what it was but this site (from BigHugeLabs) explains things and also helps you check whether any of your photos have made it. I tried it out...

BigHugeLabs is also what I use to make my photo mosaics. I edit my photos so that they're square, upload them to Flickr and put them in a set (usually I do a 3x3 mosaic, so 9 photos), I then use BigHugeLabs with the Flickr photoset option to select my photos and that's pretty much it. It's free too, it's also very addictive, you have been warned!
Please please please enter me in to your giveaway, I love a good book and anything sweet and sticky.
i am so envious of your beautiful blanket and the chocolate cake in the sidebar, they look like they are made to go together.
Jacey x
Oh my golly gosh would I like to enter??? Would I?? My dad used to make tablet and I tried not so long ago with disasterous results. Yes please enter me. Yes I spotted the orange hexie and it looks great although it looked great anyway ;-). x
I know, i am an addict!
I love taking photos from the same spot in different weather conditions and times of day/night, I just love the blanket, all of it
I knew it. I spotted it right away. Nice change. I seriously need to learn this join as you go stuff.
I'd love to play along and anything related to books is irresistible!
Your blanket is gorgeous!
Your blanket is gorgeous - and so are those skies. Weve had very grey ones here this week (but its looking better this morning). Ive already won one of your fabulous giveaways, so its only fair to leave my name out and give someone else a chance. xxxxxx
I love the sunset pic - gorgeous.
I'd love to enter your giveaway please :)
What a lovely idea for a giveaway - i'd love to enter, please.
Oh yes please! I would love to be in with a chance of winning all those lovely goodies and getting the chance to read a good book too :O) xx
I love you blanket! So much work, but gorgeous results. I wouls love to be entered in the draw...never had tablet and I am desparate to try it...I blame you...;)
I read your blog daily, or more. My father was from Scotland and I love all your bike riding pics.
Ooh hello crochet friend!!
I know what you mean about offending crochet squares/hexagons, arent we so critical!!
Thanks for stopping by, its always nice to know more crochet nuts!
Can I enter the draw please? Your goodies look fantastic and I love tablet (I don't dare make it as I'd eat far too much at once!). I'd really like to read Cranford. Blanket is looking brilliant. Juliex
Yes please ! I would love to enter your giveaway.
Also loving your blanket- great colours
Louise xx
Hello there,
I just found your blog purely by chance whilst scanning through others blogs. I was taken in staright away and ive read lots of your posts so far. I know im new to your patch of internet but could i enter into your giveaway please? Id love to participate in the book swap.
Happy September
Please enter my name - I'd love to try some of your tablet!
The blanket just looks better and better.
there's not much I wouldn't do for tablet, and I love book swapping, so please count me in!
countrymouse xx
Can you put my name in the hat too? I loved the TV series of Cranford and would love to read the book whilst eating some of your tablet!
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