I was very lucky recently to win a Pass the Book event organised by
Emma of Silver Pebble.
A package of lovely things arrived earlier this week.

Some seeds for the garden (
red valerian and

The book - a lovely edition of "Cranford" by Elizabeth Gaskell. I missed the recent tv adaption of this so it's all new to me, I do prefer to read first then watch.

And not forgetting this gorgeous little bird pendant handmade by Emma. It's beautiful and I've already been wearing it nearly every day since receiving it.
Once I've finished the book I'll be passing it on with some more gifts.
In the meantime...

...I've been making a little more progress with my African Flowers blanket.

As it was a nice sunny afternoon I took it outside for some photos to record its current status.

We start on the bench...

...then my assistant comes along saying she's feeling cold...

...and proceeds to adopt some striking poses.

I've made and joined 126 hexagons. I've another 60 or so to do, then I've to figure out the half hexagons and border so I'm only about 50% complete. I made the first flower on 5th May, so at the same rate I should be finished by the end of October. Considering I've been crocheting for less than a year (
this was my first crochet post) I'm still pretty pleased with my progress.
Earlier today...

...actually, as soon as we could, (Clarks opens at 10am, we were there for 10 past and it was already busy!) we went to buy A her first pair of school shoes. She starts school in under three weeks so her days of midweek crochet posing are numbered! Size 9.5E by the way. We also attempted to buy shoes for N who has leaped from a 5.5 to a 7, however, he protested loudly and demanded to get his wellies back on. I wasn't going to pay £32 for shoes under such circumstances - a new pair of wellies from Asda it is then!
Hello Anne: That blanket is very impressive. Absolutely adore the color combination. Lastly your assistant is the cutest! Have fun shoe shopping. By the way, Emma's gifts are all lovely especially the little pendant.
The gifts you received are great.
As for your blanket: it's gorgeous! I love it! The colours are fantastic!
PS. I enjoyed following you on your bike ride, too.
A post choc full of lovely things. Cute little pendant you received, I would have trouble taking it off at the end of the day.
Your crochet skills have certainly grown in leaps and bounds your blanket is stunning, so many gorgeous colours. Reminds me of different flavoured icecream, just don't know which one to choose first they all look so yummy!
Last but by no means least A's new school shoes, how cute are they? I would've loved a pair like that when I was her age. We had to wear lace ups to school, so boring. Hope she enjoys school, exciting times ahead for you all.
what lovely gifts from Emma x
and your blanket is just gorgeous, can't believe you have only been crocheting a year.
ahh grown up school shoes, so sweet x - (although when I am battling in Clarks in a few weeks time I may be less enchanted - Miss K is reaching the upper range of the childrens section, and it's so hard to find anything that fits her.......)
wow, the blanket is a work of art. You have such a good eye for colour. The bird necklace is amazing - to think someone MADE it! And your daughter is so cute in her new school shoes. Aww, bet it doesn't seem so long since she was wearing bootees!
gorgeous gifts from Emma, love her work. Your blanket is stunning and as for shoes - we have yet to brave the shops for them and I can safely say I am not looking forward to it one little bit ...
Would you look at that blanket - so very beautiful!
I see English school shoes from Clarks haven't changed very much over the decades! Wonderful.
I think I had a pair very like this when I started infant's school in 1958, only they'd have been much clunkier and far more industrial-looking.
(Geez - I just saw my typed 1958 and it's made me feel incredibly ancient. SO long ago!)
For a first crochet project I'd say that takes some beating!!!!! Its fab!! Fingers crossed for the little ladies first day at school - time flys so quickly. xxxx
The gifts are beautiful and your African flower blanket is gorgeous - so much hard work...but worth it.
Have a fabulous day,
Nina x
I don't know how they can get away with charging so much for kids shoes, its daylight robery! Your blanket is gorgeous, I love all the colours you've chosen. x
Anne - you are the sweetest!!! Thanks for visiting at PosyLinda. Have a wonderful everything.....
Your title caught my eye on Lady Helsie's site and I just had to see what you had done with the African Flowers pattern.
An amazing beautiful blanket - stunning
Your blanket is truly amazing Anne - truly. I can't keep my eyes off it. I'm glad the little bird is being enjoyed - hope the book is a relaxing read for you x
The blanket is stunning! Amazing for a relatively new crocheter, beautiful work.
Love the bird necklace and the new school shoes are very cool too.
Your blanket is the best crochet blanket I have ever seen! Absolutely stunning! I love the back to school shoes pic. By the time I do this in a couple of weeks time I don't suppose they will have much left! x
Just popping over via Suz's blog,your blanket is gorgeous and I love the colours youhave used :-)
Oh my your dd looks just like my dd! Love the blankie.
Your crocheted blanket is beautiful!!!!! You certainly do have an great eye for color!
Great photos and fabulous blanket. We've just done the Great School Shoe Shop too: we have the choice of queuing for hours in the scrum of Clarks to buy hideous clunky ones, or paying a fortune to order Start Rite old-fashioned ones from the other shoe shop. It's almost impossible to get half-decent boys' shoes these days; I am rather envious of the lovely old-fashioned ones you found for your daughter.
By the way, have just noticed Bagpuss stuck in teapot on right of your page, and am feeling stressed by it. Does he need to be rescued?!!
Wonderful, lovely, beautiful! I love all these colours! Best wishes from Crete Teje
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