Brrrr! A cold start to the day. Glad of my gloves I freewheel down the road from our house at about 7:45am. The sun was just peeking above the trees and it promised to be a lovely day. By the time I'd puffed my way up the big climb out of the village I'd warmed up nicely!

A light frost dusts the fields.


Funky farm sign.

Looking back at the Clochoderick Stone just before the crossroads where I turn right...

...past gorgeous scarlet berries...

...frosty leaves at my feet where I stop to take a photo.

There was a little robin bobbing about here, his red breast matching the ball topping the gate post. Sadly he didn't linger for a photo.

I like this knoll of trees silhouetted against the morning sun.

Colourful farm building roofs.

I'm heading up to the country park we visited with the car
last week.

The glen is full of gorgeous glowing autumn colours.

The air is very still. I leave the bike at the visitor centre and walk up to the top of...

... Windy Hill. This week it's not windy at all. This is the cairn at the top.

The view to the other side.

Then back down through the woods.

This fabulous horse chestnut is just beside the visitor centre. As it's such a beautiful day (and there probably won't be many more of them this year!) I decide to get back on the bike and head 3 miles further up the glen on rough track to the old mine.

There's not actually that much to see, this is the view looking back down the track from the old mine. It wouldn't be a particulary exciting walk. You do feel that you are quite in the middle of nowhere though.

Ignoring the healthy banana I've been carting about in my bar bag I buy a double decker at the visitor centre for breakfast then head off back home.

I really enjoy the gentle downhill cycle along the beautiful autumn roads.

The sound of roaring water attracts my attention as I approach the next village. I didn't know this waterfall was here - another new discovery!