They are the ones at the top with the green "commended" ticket. The red label indicates 1st prize, obviously the lady who won believes in eking out her cherries!!! My biscuits do look rather out of place, I'll aim for a more refined effort next year.
My tablet was "highly commended" which isn't too bad considering it was slightly over done. There was also a little more competition in this category.
The local nursery had entered a farmyard drawing from all the children. My daughter won a "commended" ticket for a picture she did when she was still just 3.
It's equivalent to 5th out of 71, not bad! I'll take a better picture of the drawing once we get it returned from the nursery.
It was a showery cold June day so I didn't take many exterior pictures though I did like these orange sheep.
As you can see from the photo my camera is starting to fail, I'm getting an out of focus hazy patch on the right hand side of all my photos. It's time to investigate buying a new camera, not a task I'm relishing as it involves more expense & more time-wasting in checking out reviews to get a decent not too expensive model as I am frugal and do like a bargain which takes me tenuously on to my next picture which is of my most recent charity shop haul featuring a new craft toy...
... a bead loom set, all brand new and unused. Fantastic! I also got a nice stoneware jar and a wooden clackety dinosaur for the wee fellow. Talking of whom...
... here he is having a great time guddling in a fountain today with big sister close by. Look at the beautiful cloudless sky, I hope the sunny weather lasts for a few more days!
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