A frosty morning,the first this Autumn. I start by heading down to the shady cycle path to get some frosty foliage photos.

The area around the standing stones proved to be good hunting ground. Soon after this I left the cycle path to head out to the countryside.

I like the sky, the silhouetted trees along the top of the hill and the long row of sheep in the field in front.
From here I have a long and steep climb, one I've still not yet managed to do without stopping to catch my breath.

At the top. Lovely views of the distant hills, the highest one is Ben Lomond.

This week's cows.

Beautiful sky.

An enchanted forest.

Black faced sheep wondering what I'm up to.

Along this little road views of the mountains are ever present on a clear day such as today.

Through the avanue.

Looking up.

Looking north, dramatic branch and tree silhouettes against a sky so blue.

Baa baa black sheep and friend.

Just rolling along, not a car to be seen on the roads (though there are three parked in a nearby field belonging to some model aeroplane enthusiasts, the buzzing of their planes slightly spoiling the otherwise peaceful countryside at this point).

Reservoir number 4 for the month, Cuffhill Reservoir.

Oops! I ignore the sign. There's usually enough space to get by on a bike, if not it's easy enough to turn back.

Reservoir number 5, Kirkleegreen Reservoir.

Red berries against blue sky.

Who wouldn't want to cycle down this road on such a lovely day? Just before I go...

...I take a quick photo of the three highland cows in the field just to my right.

More branch silhouettes framing lovely views and blue sky (can you tell I'm rather liking the blue sky!)

Past lots of farms. The farmhouse for this one looking rather neglected...

...but the farm outbuildings are very photogenic, especially with the little white kitten passing by.

Little rusty trailer, rusty coloured bracken (and more of the blue sky!)

Lastly, a view of Barr Castle across Barr Loch. Then home. No scones waiting for me this week, I was a little late in setting off (8:30) and hubby had been up early so they were ready to eat before I left.
The rest of the day was glorious and sunny. Today is much the same so I'm about to head off out again, this time with the car & kids (Sunday morning is hubby's cycling time).