Ha, I jest!
The roads aren't exactly in a condition suitable for happy cycling so I take a long walk instead.

I do go up my usual hill out the village and I'm pleased to note that it does actually take longer to walk it than cycle it (I did wonder sometimes!). I love how the countryside opens out once you reach the top.

A little group of friendly robins pose in the foreground here.

Compared to some of the country we don't actually have that much snow but what we do have has been here from before Christmas as it's been rather on the cold side since then. We did have another light dusting last night just to freshen things up for my walk though sadly I'm denied the gorgeous bright blue skies of recent days.

The sun rises through the clouds. The little folly can be seen right in the middle of the above photo. At this point I can take a right and turn the walk into a big loop, so I do.

Looking back towards the sunrise. There are lots of pylons around here, sometimes I try to avoid photographing them but they are part of the scenery so they do creep/march into my photos now and again.

I like the landscape layers.
It's pretty much downhill from here all the way home. As the road becomes more travelled it is less pleasant to walk on as the cars expose the ice previously hidden under the snow.

Back home and I manage to finally get a good photograph of "our" robin.

We also have a song thrush and a redwing who visit regularly. They and the robin like to chase each other away from the food. I'd never seen a redwing till this year and had to look it up in my book - he's the one on the right!
Hubby and the children are still visiting Grandad after swimming lessons so I have time to make some lentil soup and have a bash at some fattie cutties. Fattie Cutties? I'd never heard of them either but the recipe was on the opposite page from that for the crumpets I'd attempted to make earlier for breakfast, plus the girdle was still out. They're like flat buttery currant scones and hail from Orkney. And they were delicious, they were all eaten before I could take photographic evidence but I'll definitely be making them again, just need to buy some more butter. I lurve butter, for this I blame my Dad. I thought I spread it quite thick but after visiting the parents again at New Year I realise I'm quite modest in my portion control in comparison. Talk about teeth marks! It has to be proper yellow salty butter too. Mmmmmm...
No wonder I need to get out on my bike more often.
Wow what fantastic photos, I saw a redwing yesterday for the first time too!
What a lovely walk with great views.
What a lovely walk and such a pretty place you live in. Of course the photos don't show any of the difficulties the snow causes but I'm sure it is such a nuisance and so WET!
It always puzzles me what sort of shoes people wear in the snow. Wellies would be too cold for meand often I see people in sneekers! Oh freezing feet! I couldn't bear it. I've been in the snow in proper snow boots but unless they look different these days I haven't noticed people wearing them.
I have been wading through the snow, too - I think it must burn far more calories as it seems much harder work than normal walking. I love your robin picture - my favourite bird!
Pomona x
I used to work in Orkney and sometimes got fatty cutties for breakfast in B&Bs. A pleasant way of life! Having seen your photos, I now think that what I had been calling a fieldfare in our garden is actually a puffed up thrush. I think I need some binoculars! Lovely walk. good for you for not just cosying up with some fatty cutties and saying it was too snowy for a bike so you were staying in. You've earned your butter.
Glad you managed to get out for some fresh air even if the bike stayed home. Slightly warmer today with us, lets hope better weather is coming.
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