Saturday 20 July 2013

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

Not a solo bike ride this week (it's been a while since I did one of those, must rectify soon!) as hubby, N & A came along too. N was on the follow-me, he can't ride a bike on his own yet. A was on her own bike though and we did about 15 miles which was pretty good, especially as it's so hot! Yes, the heatwave is with us even here. I've never seen the countryside round these parts looking so golden. It is perhaps a couple of degrees too hot, but I'm not complaining, it's so much better than the summer (summer?) we had last year. It reached 26C (79F) here today, I think yesterday was even hotter. Still not as hot as other parts of the UK as we've not yet reached 30C (86F), but that's fine by me!

 The tree on the corner looking a little hazy in the heat!


 I took many photos, but will limit myself to two here.

 Hubby & A ride ahead.


 The rosebay willowherb is starting to flower.

 We reach the soldier sculptures.

 I take some more hogweed photos.
Knapweed too.

 Hubby waits patiently...

 ...while the children do some climbing.


It's never looked like this round here since I started my regular bike rides (about when I started my blog in the summer of 2009)

 We then head over to a nearby cafe...

 ...for a delicious lunch.

 The flowers in the cafe are beautiful.

 We go for a little guddle by the river near the playpark.

 I couldn't decide which forget-me-not photo I preferred.

I find a heart shaped stone beside the playpark. More sunscreen is then applied and it's pretty much straight back home with no more photo stops. Once home I get a pop ice from the freezer and go stand in the paddling pool to cool down, aaaahhhh!


Neighborhood Watch said...

Very cool soldier sculptures!

Gillian Roe said...

Lovely, lovely hogweed photos. That bike ride and lunch sounds like a pretty good way to spend a Saturday.

What is a guddle? Is it a Scottish paddle? ;-) x

Louise said...

what a beautiful day! We've had temperatures around 35 degrees a lot over the last week and I haven't coped. Today has been overcast, windy and cool for the first time in ages :)

I loved all your countryside, summer scenes. I've been enjoying all the summer flowers lately here too. It was lovely that this weeks bike ride was a family affair - A did well to do the 15 miles!

Jacquie said...

Wow, it all looks stunning Anne. It's been dull here today ( saturday ), a bit of a relief actually as the temps were so high in the week. Mustn't complain though after all the freezing weather we have endured.
Jacquie x

**Anne** said...

What a lovely day you had with your family bike riding in beautiful countryside, a lovely lunch and home to cool off. Your photos are beautiful.
Anne xx

Away with the Fairies said...

I love your beautiful flower photos - just stunning. X

Anonymous said...

Beautiful flower photos. I can see them blown up as pictures for the wall. Have a wonderful weekend x

pembrokeshire lass said...

Looks like a wonderful bike ride. I do like the 'underneath' pictures of the hogweeds ....truly inspired and the for get me nots...those pictures are so clear. Just love them. Lunch looked great too and you're right about the flowers. I found a heart stone once. I must go and see where I've put it. I think there was a little corner broken off mine though! Yours looks a perfect shape! Joan

Meggie said...

Lovely bike ride...Some of your fence and pasture photos remind me of where I live in Texas. I will be in Scotland in October.

Annie Cholewa said...

Here it's looking less golden and more scorched!

Lovely photos as always ... but the top forget-me-not shot for me :)

Meredith said...

Such beautiful pictures, I bet you love having them along, but bike rides alone to catch up with your thoughts are pretty nice too.

WinnibriggsHouse said...

Beautiful photos as usual. We too have been cooking in the heat of over 39 degrees but Yesterday and today I am afraid someone stole our sun and it has been grey and quite chilly! Never mind your post was full of sunshine instead.

Lulu said...

what a beautiful place..

Claire said...

Oh what gorgeous pics Anne, you wouldn't have to ask me twice to get on my bike and cycle through such gorgeous countryside. What a difference a warm Summer makes.
Love the Hogweed pics and of course the tree on the corner which would have to be my favourite view ......

Claire x


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