So, I (and my new hairdo!) set off about 9am for yet another January Saturday Morning Bike Ride.
The weather was not particularly appealing. I even considered switching to an indoor rowing session instead of a cycle. But no, a three hour cycle in the rain (with camera) was greatly preferrable to a one hour row. I think we'll be selling the rowing machine...

I like these silhouetted trees cresting the hill.

Lots of rain recently so lots of extra water around.

Lovely little tree silhouette, shame about the overhead wire (which seems to be getting entangled in its branches).

On the route today are three reservoirs. This is the first one. At this point all is a little grey and gloomy.

Then out comes the sun.


What a beautiful sky. I popped this photo in the
Sky365 Flickr pool being run by
Knitsofacto that I found via
Mrs Micawber.

I'm sure this little hut didn't look quite so run down the last time I passed this way.

Looking up at the branches of a larch decorated with little cone baubles.

Then it started to rain.

Looking at this view the wind was behind me so it was still possible to take some photographs without getting the camera wet.

Shortly after here I sheltered beneath a bank of trees for a while till the rain went off. Just a shower. Then on my way again.

The end of the road, so it seems.

A last view of reservoir #1 (actually, it's two reservoirs joined together but I'm not sure where one ends and the other starts).

More sun beams. The sun itself is also visible through the clouds - just about to break through the hole in the clouds at the top of the picture.

Another abandoned building on the left of the road, another nice little row of trees on top of the hill.

Beech tree.

Reservoir #2, complete with a pair of swans.

Right next to it on the other side of the road is reservoir #3, complete with rainbow.

Further on, a look back down the hill. Beyond the big puddle is reservoir #3 away in the distance. Someone has stuffed pinecones into the gate post - nice!

This is the view over the other side of the hill.
Then I pass the photogenic but dilapidated farm wondering if I'll be brave enough to photograph it this trip, but nope, someone is there yet again. It seems to be the dingiest, dampest but most densely populated farm around.

I like to photograph this little trailer if I'm passing this way (sad?). Today I have company over the wall.

To the right of the last photo, the road ahead. Lovely dykes, hedges, trees and sunshine!

Another few miles and I pass the snowdrops from last week, they've come on a bit more and are now at their best. Last year there was no sign of them till February, it's definitely been a much milder winter this year, though rather wet and windy for my liking.

Looking over the loch towards the sun.

The past some ducks in a row. I like their orange legs.

This swan was approaching for some food, I didn't have any.

A perfect rainbow. It was actually a double one but the secondary rainbow didn't show up well in the photos I took.

Along the cyclepath past the folly.

A bike shot, then home.
Another surprsingly enjoyable ride. Strong winds (often it was hard to hold the camera still) but I made sure I cycled out against the wind so that it was behind me coming home. Sunshine and showers - I did get wet a few times but the wind quickly dried me, and gentle sunshine is always a pleasure.