The second half of March is speeding by. At the moment we are having glorious weather - the last two days have been the hottest March days in Scotland on record with temperatures of just over 22C (72F) being recorded, the typical March average is around 8C (46F).
Unfortunately I've not managed to get out on my bike recently. On Saturday I was helping out at a nursery car boot sale instead. To compensate for the lack of cycling time I did buy a few goodies.

My favourite acquisition is this needlework owl in its suitably kitsch yellow plastic frame. It was on a stall of a fellow blogger -
Habbietot, and was made by her. It was a snip at 50p (though I do think she undersold it, too kind!). I'm sure she'd love if you popped over to say hello as she's just starting out on this blogging malarky. Watch out for the yummy looking chocolates she makes, mmmmm.

A's favourite buy is this cuddly cat, now called Poppy, who accompanied A on her first sleepover at a friend's house that very night. N's favourite purchase (no photo) is a giant inflatable squeaky hammer which which he likes to wallop everybody he can reach, he likes it so much it even ended up in bed with him last night.
The boot sale was just a small one but it's given me the bargain hunting bug again (not that I ever lose that) and I want to go to another one now! However, I did manage a couple of other bargains earlier in the week while charity shopping...

The baking book is from the first Bake Off series (£1.25). I don't really need any more baking books, but this is a nice one with lovely recipes and it's very well produced, as most baking/cooking books seem to be these days. I also got a little dish (£1) which I imagine could be used to serve bon bons in (or perhaps some of
Habbietot's chocolates...). Underneath the baking book is a little crocheted something I have started. Talking of crochet...

...I am usually required to photograph various buiding projects before they are demolished, in the background of this one can be seen the (unfinished) daisy blanket and it's looking rather at home on the back of the sofa. It wasn't where I'd planned to put it, but plans can be changed.

I wish I could change my Nutella eating habits though. I bought this jar to make
Simone's yummy looking biscuits. It didn't happen. I tried once more and bought a second jar (well, they were on special offer in Asda), and I have just finished scoffing the Nutella straight out the the jar again. So, no more Nutella for this house I'm afraid.

An Easter bunny picture by A, she draws far better than I do now, I'm so out of practice.

Yesterday evening we went for a little walk after tea. Up to the field to see the ponies (there was one pony there but he wasn't for coming over to say hello), then a little further on to see some diggers and trucks parked in another field (for N) and the sunset (for me).

Isn't it wonderful to get the washing dried outside again after the winter. I love hanging out washing, especially under such blue skies and amid the Spring birdsong.

More ladybirds are appearing.

The best photo of MollieTheCat I've managed to take for a while. Last week she brought a balckbird into the house (dead), she wasn't popular that day.

Snake's head fritillaries. I only planted these last year and had forgotten I'd done so, so it was a lovely surprise to see them. I think I'll get more.

The bronze sometimes flowering ornamental cherry type tree has decided to blossom this year. The pale pink flowers look so pretty against the blue skies.

Unfortunately the blossoms are quite high up so it's not possible to take close-up pictures, it doesn't stop me taking loads of photos though, I'm sure the neighbours must wonder what's up there that's so fascinating.

After school today A decides to decorate some of the little pebble stones in the driveway area of the garden. N has a go too.

One is for her to keep, and one is for me.

This is mine, amn't I lucky. I'll need to keep it somewhere safe.