A slightly later start to my bike ride than normal - I don't set off till near 10am.
Earlier in the morning I took all our old baby toys and some baby clothes to a local village hall for their toddler group's annual sale. I drove there with the car loaded full of numerous packed boxes and bags and with the sound of gently jangling baby bells and rattles accompanying me on my journey. I then returned home empty and quiet, and actually feeling a little downhearted that now the toys are all gone! It's all right, I'm definitely NOT broody, it's just sometimes sad to see a little stage of life pass for good.
Anyway, off we go...

A bike shot at the top of the first big climb (any excuse to pause to catch my breath!)

Despite these rather ominous looking clouds it's a fine morning.

The farmer here obviously doesn't believe in part exchanging his cars! While I'm faffing about trying to get a better photo of his piles of rusty cars I become aware that I am being watched by, I assume, the farmer's wife who obviously thinks I am up to no good! I let her know that I'm admiring her views, which I am...

... and not just of the cars, this is what I see if I just turn my head to the left - beautiful Barcraigs reservoir.

I continue through the farmyard and up the hill. This is the view looking back down, the farm is still visible though Barcraigs is now hidden. Almost all the snow from last week's run has now melted though there are still little pockets of snow to be found on the higher ground.

Well, it's just a dead tree, but I thought it looked rather dramatic in the wintry landscape.

Another bike shot. Did you notice I've a new saddle this week?
To the very right of this photo, just below the trees can be seen the remains of a cottage wall...

...with a little window opening still intact.

It's quite a climb to get up to this area, but once here the ground is quite flat and the network of quiet roads with varied views is perfect for cycling.

Lots of sheep!

And some cows let out of their byre for some fresh air (though this one's face is rather close to another one's rear for the air to be anything but fresh I would have thought!)

I've mentioned before that some of the roads here are blighted by fly tipping. Usually I wouldn't sully my blog with photographs of such ugliness (and lazy stupidity!) but this box of dolls made rather a poignant image.

That's better, a clear road. This is probably the highest point, it's downhill (almost!) all the way home now.

And to finish off the run, a new farm sign for my collection. I should have enough soon for a little farm sign photo mosaic, bet you can't wait!
Later that afternoon I'm back off out...
... for the concert (phone photo taken before we go on for the 1st half)
I'm now spoiled! It's been sooo long since I've played in a section of 6 basses and it was fantastic. The "other five" were all Academy students (or recently graduated), so knew what they were doing and made quite a decent sound(!) Overall, an excellent concert - great program, great soloist and the orchestra did OK too!
(By the way, thank you to all who left heartening comments on my last post - I was indeed feeling a little apprehensive, but it all turned out fine!)
Now to Sunday. It's another nice morning and as it's Mother's Day hubby decides to forego his usual Sunday morning outing with the cycling club, so we ALL go out for a little run.
I mentioned I have a new saddle. Well, it hurts and I moan!

But the sun is shining and the loch is sparklingly lovely and I have a strawberry cornetto in the cafe.
However, I still moan again, even more, on the way home. Hubby promises not to get rid of my old saddle just yet!
BEaUTIful pictures. and hills, oh those hills - I don't encounter any such things on my daily cycle ride - although I do encounter fly tipping - those dolls are creepy! Sometimes I'm half asleep on my morning ride - I think I'd have fallen off my bike if I'd caught sight of such a thing! Utterly surreal. Thanks for stopping by so I could find you. Now I'm here I'm off for a lookabout! t.x
More lovely stuff — thanks for this morning's trip into the cold, fresh air.
So glad your concert went well!
I love your pics from your rides. The one of the dolls is just creepy and sad. Such a shame to dump rubbish in such a beautiful landscape :(
another exciting adventure. I almost feel I was there with you, your account of it is so vivid and the pictures so amazing. You have my sympathy for the saddle issue - ouch. Sounds like your concert was a great success. Must be a great feeling to play as one of 6 basses, surrounded by the music.
PS those dolls were utterly heartbreaking. They looked to me like some mean dad or uncle (had to be a man - no former doll owing woman would do such a thing surely) had grabbed them and said no dolls for you, you've been misbehaving, or something like that, then dumped them. Hmm, how much does that comment reveal about my psyche?
Great post - so glad the concert went well - I am in awe of you!! Lovely photos and views - can't believe youve still got so much snow!!!
What a beautiful trip you had on Saturday morning. And a somewhat different one with all the family on Sunday - it takes us ages to get everyone ready to head out, but it is worth it!
Well done for your concert. It must be very strange having others playing alongise you. Juliex
Congratulations on the concert and thanks so much for the ride!
What a lovely post with great photos, I always enjoy coming along on your bike rides. You had a busy weekend didn't you?
What a spectacular bike ride you had. Love the dead tree. The dolls are a bit sureal and spooky though.
Fabulous scenery as always Anne. You are very spoiled in that department..lol. Love the little window in the wall. Isn't it great to find little gems like this when you are out and about? Hope you get accustomed to the new saddle soon.
Lovely dead tree - looks like a great one to climb! Also love the way the window 'frames' the view. The dolls are definitely spooky though - the one on the right looks like it's trying to climb out!
I have just found you through ForestPoppy blog. I think your photos are stunning. I want to live where you live! Such dramatic views. I do love the fly tipped dolls picture. It is poignant and quite sad!
What an amazingly beautiful ride. I almost feel like I was on It with you, through the photo's. Lx
Another fab bike ride. I actually love to see the strange stuff, like the wagon of dolls. Nothing is silly...
Off to see what I've missed while entertaining the MIL. Can't wait to get caught up with all.
Sunny and 75, perfect afternoon at the pool.
Happy at the Beach,
The Garden Bell - Kate
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