Unlike last week though it's cold so the gloves are back on.
I take a little detour off the cyclepath to have a wander round the medieval church (built in 1504).

Another posing bird on a bare branched tree. On some trees the leaf buds are noticeably swollen and green.
Off the cyclepath now and back onto unclassified roads. I know from the map that there is another ruined castle just to right of the above scene . However, it's up a dead end farm track which has a big gate across it's entrance, I chicken out of going to see it.
If you look closely there's a rainbow over the hills between the tree trunks. Shortly after taking this photo the rain starts, just little showers, nothing too heavy.
Passing this field I hear lambs bleating. LAMBS! The first ones I've seen out in the fields this year. They were away over the other side of the field, also it was still raining at this point so it's not a terrible good photo I'm afraid.
It's a bit of a climb up to here and I stop for some chocolate. Once I reach the farm a very unfriendly dog chases after me, growling fiercely and showing me all his sharp pointy teeth. I zoom off safely down the other side of the hill.
I realise I've not taken a bike shot. Here you are - beside my favourite gate and tree mound on my favourite little stretch of road. It's the first time I've cycled down rather than up this road and it's definitely less interesting going in this direction
A messenger bag from the sale. I wanted a big cross-body bag for carrying nappies and stuff now that N is walking more so we don't always have the pram for carrying things. I've not had occasion to use it yet though and I'm a little concerned that when I do I'll feel as though I'm wandering about with a cushion strapped to my hip. Ah well.
To completely change the subject again, and not in a good way, I was very saddened to find out this morning that Elspeth Thompson has died. I have several of her books, my favourite being Urban Gardener - she writes more knowledgeably in her later books which somehow makes them slightly less interesting for me though still beautifully written and enjoyable. I had looked forward to more from her, but sadly that's not to be. Someone who'll be missed by many.