Thursday 8 August 2013


We had a lovely day out at Portencross today. It's becoming a habit to try and visit here each year towards the end of the summer holidays. This year a few friends came along too.

We passed the peacock, climbed to the top of the castle to admire the views (and spiders), wandered along to the jetty busy with fishermen, then took a short hike to the beach for a picnic and play. Some even went for a dip. I took lots of photos of Arran, the light kept changing and it was beautiful. We were first to arrive and last to leave.


primrosesattic said...

What a beautiful place. The sea looks so inviting. I can understand that you were reluctant to leave.

Joy said...

What a lovely way to spend a day - beautiful pics tell the story, thank you! I feel like I could have been there!
Joy x

Louise said...

Loved your photos - a beautiful place and a great day out!

ellen said...

You have such lovely adventures in such a beautiful place. Oh, my..I do enjoy all of your photographs and wish that I could transport myself to these places.

Neighborhood Watch said...

So beautiful! I love the sky in these photos and the way the light shifts throughout the day.

SaraJ said...

It looks beautiful. I thought - I'd like to go there. Googled it - and realised its a bit far away! I'm in Sussex!!
Oh well - your photos made me appreciate it.
I can't believe we're heading towards the end of Summer holidays. You can definitely feel Autum is in the air - just waiting to arrive.

Annie Cholewa said...

Such an incredible place!

Sue Hayton said...

Many fond memories of days out from Kilmacolm i the 60's - what a long time ago!!!

Meredith said...

Absolutely a beautiful place.

Gillian Roe said...

What a beautiful place. It looks so wild and rugged and very Scottish. x

Diane said...

What a truly gorgeous place. xx

Grammy Braxton said...

Lovely place. I love the red door on the house in the first photos. It looks so peaceful and charming.


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