Saturday 14 January 2012

Saturday Morning Bike Ride


















Aren't there a lot of discouraging words beginning with d? Isn't an on-line thesaurus fun(!)

The weather this morning was indeed rather dreich which is what started me off, but despite that the ride was enjoyable, entertaining, energising, enthralling, exhilarating...OK I'm getting carried away here. It was fun, I'm pleased with the views I saw and the photos I took, I got some exercise and fresh air, I'm glad to be home and cosy again...


Country Rabbit said...

wow! stunning! breath taking!
love the views from your bike ride x

Simone said...

I am glad you ended up with delightful! Have a lovely weekend. x

Unknown said...

we have had a splendid, sunshiny morning here.

(and VERY frosty)

Anonymous said...

Oh, haven't you had frost and sunshine?

Rustic Vintage Country said...

Forsty and sunny here! Love the snowdrops. Suzy

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you too! Love the photo of the barbed wire, it's a beauty.

June said...

Super photos! Love the snowdrops and the dedicated rowers!

Jackie said...

Great post with fantastic photos and some wonderful Scottish words too :O)x

Anonymous said...

beautiful evocative photos...nothing dismal about them :) i am so envious of your snow drops...we are in the depths of winter here, not a bud to be seen for many more months:(

Claire said...

I guess if you live there, you may think it's dismal and dreich, but I think your photos are delightful and so very atmospheric .........

enjoy the rest of your weekend Anne,

Claire :}

moonike said...

(1st time comment), i always liked your photos, even if the weather seems gray, the country is still pretty and and has it's own beatiful and deep colors. i always wish i could go on a rainy-day walk there (and rainy-day walks are my favourites). thank you so much for sharing!
and wow, you have snowdrops already? we've got snow (i'm in estonia) and snowdrops.. well i predict we get them around end of march or mid april, depending on how long the winter will be this year.

Stocki said...

Beautiful.. 'ducky' ha ha! I especially liked 'Dedicated' :)x

sue said...

I love coming home after a cold wet cycle and feeling so invigorated!

Meredith said...

And sooooo beautiful. Hugs to you,

rockinloubylou said...

snowdrops! wonderful. doesn't seem so long ago you were hunting for bluebells. Love the ducky by the way xx

Mrs. Micawber said...

A wet ride, was it? Love the alliteration! Here I was thinking "misty and romantic". Obviously the dampness gets old quickly.

"Desolate" (which had me laughing) was perfect for that shot with the sad abandoned fleece on the wire. "Detailed" is beautiful. I love the spots of colour in "Dedicated". Also the drippy cows and the first three photos. Hard to resist a splendid bare-branched oak.

It's wonderful how even a chilly house feels toasty after exercising in the cold. Have a good week!


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