Sunday, 24 May 2015

Saturday Morning Bike Ride

An early start yesterday morning, off at around 6:30am.

A pause for breath and a look back down the hill.

Gorgeous, fresh, green leaves.

 A horse amongst the beech trees.

A view over fields to a distant hill.

Grazing cattle with the folly beyond.

A favourite tree.

The cow parsley is only just starting to flower.


 I love the swirly coulds in this shot, as well as the fence and the sheep!

 Red campion.

 I've forgotten the name of this one, any ideas?

 Wild garlic.

Looking back to the little hut I'd like to have in my garden.

 Mossy steps nearby lead to...

 ...the weir. You'll need to imagine the sound of the rushing, tumbling water.

Green bike.

 I then visit the bird sanctuary to try out my zoom lens, this was the best shot, most were blurry. Great tits!

A view across the loch from one of the bird hides.

 Reflections in the loch create an interesting symmetrical effect.

 Loch, swans & folly.

 A last view of the loch before heading into the woods to see the bluebells...

You can't beat woodlands at this time of year, especially early on a sunny morning.

Bike detail from a rusty sculpture.

Bike shot. It's a steep climb to reach up here, I only just manage to push my bike up the hill never mind attempting to ride it up!

 Badger and toadstools.

 Buttercups and the 15th century church.

Fences and folly. Then home.

I'm still pondering a recent event which I'm still not sure whether or not I should mention here as I usually keep my blog for happy things. But I will. Last week, the lady who runs my daughter's after-school club was killed in a violent knife attack. She was a lovely woman, always ready with a smile and a laugh and with time to listen. She was only 33 and had a daughter. The full story is not yet known, but that someone should so cruelly take the life of another is just so wrong. To try to focus on the positive, the local community has rallied round to help with the running of the club, and friends who I am so grateful for have also stepped in to help me out. I do so wish it all hadn't been necessary though.


  1. I'm glad you shared your shocking and sad news along with the pictures of your beautiful side of the world. Life is the whole bundle. I often come to blogs for their zoom-in on the precious bits of life, but also for the humans who see these bits and their stories too. Blogging is a space/place to share I think, and keeps us from feeling alone in the enormity of living.

  2. Anne, I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. There are no words for an act like that.

    I almost hate to say now what was going to be my first comment (before I got to the end of your post) - that the "great tits" had me giggling like an adolescent. But that's life - humour and sorrow side by side.

    The little white flower - if it's very tiny, I think it might be chickweed (or mouse-ear chickweed).

    So glad you had a good ride. The leaves are indeed very lovely just now. I would love to see a bluebell wood someday.

  3. Such a beautiful ride, what a gorgeous area you live in. I'm so sorry about the terrible attack on the lady you knew. Something similar happened here two or three years ago to our local vicar, a wonderful kind man. He was killed by a drifter in his own home, after he'd given the man shelter. It was devastating, everyone was shocked beyond words. Hard to explain to the children as well, who all knew and liked him. So I understand how shaken you must be feeling. CJ xx

  4. I agree with all the above comments and can add no more.

  5. I was trying to remember my favourite pictures as I went through you post and then I read the shocking news at the end and that all went out of the way. I am so sorry to read about your friend, that truly is a terrible thing to have happened. My condolences to you and to her family and other friends. Such a thing really is senseless isn't it. Hugs to you. xx

  6. Like a box of jewels~ so rich and glowing~ like something in an idealized dream of a walk or bike ride. As so many others have already said in various ways , it was very disturbing to hear about the terrible act of violence committed there and seems impossible that such dark things can exist along side the beautiful ~ the hardest aspect of life is the knowledge of this and dealing with it . My heart goes out to her family and hope they have a lot of support from the community and friends. Thank you again for a very beautiful post.

  7. Stunning photos. I have always enjoyed coming on bike rides with you! Tragic news at the end of the post. Such is life. x

  8. What a wonderful bike ride, I hope it took your mind off the terrible death of your daughter's after school club carer, at least for a short while. I am glad your local community is strong and helpful. I always pretended in my mind such awful events happen elsewhere but last month, a young student was brutally murdered in our small neighbourhood, I am still shaken. I am thinking of you, your family and community. x

  9. Very sorry to hear the bad news. Hopefully, those that knew her will be able to find some comfort & peace during this time.
    On another note, I've said it before but I do want to convey to you how much your blog means to me. I love when you make new posts. Your blog is always up on one of my tabs, I never close it. And when I refresh it and a new posting suddenly pops up, such a feeling of joy comes over me. Just a bit ago when I did just that it just popped out of me and I said out loud.."Oh yeah! A new posting." My husband sitting across the room just looked at me. I show him some of your pics at times as he loves Scotland (he's made visits). It's beautiful and full of such rich history. I've been keeping up for a few yrs now, watching your children get bigger, following your bike rides, holidays, etc. Thanks for letting us have a peek into your life. I love it.

  10. I'm sorry to hear about that terrible incident. It always leaves you feeling shaken when these things - however occasionally - occur. They're the kind of story you only read about in magazines or newspapers so when it happens close to home it's very upsetting.
    I hope you all heal as a community and that those close to the lady are OK.
    Sarah x

  11. Lovely photos. Knife crime is still a problem in the west of Scotland although it doesn't seem as bad as it used to be, probably because teenagers are spending more time indoors.

  12. Despite what someone else has already written - your mystery flower is a Stitchwort.

    Good luck with all the boring forms - hope your search goes well.

  13. Stitchwort, I knew that I knew the name but it wouldn't come out from the jumble I keep in my head, thank you Sue H.

    It is so very shocking to report on a violent death and I wish that you had been spared the experience.

    It is lovely to see the fresh green on the land, isn't it?


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