Sunday, 30 January 2011

Sunday Morning Bike Ride

Hooray! This morning I managed out on my first bike ride since the end of Nov 2010.

I started doing weekly bike rides pretty much when I started blogging properly which was June 2009. I noticed last winter that I didn't make it out over December and January either (due to Christmas, poor cycling weather and illness). Out of curiosity I checked back to see when exactly my last bike ride was, here is the post - and it turns out I followed exactly the same route today. Although the route is the identical I'm pleased to note that the photos I've taken are completely different. Blogging has encouraged me to make an effort to see and notice different things around me so I'm glad it still seems to be working even after all this time.

Anyway, I don't set out till about 9am. It's rather a grey morning (yesterday was so much better - clear blue skies and sunshine but hubby had to work so I was with the children). As it is my first outing for 2 months I just do my favourite short route, about 10 miles. It does start off with a long hill, but although I'm not especially fit I do have reasonably strong leg muscles (I used to row competitvely and have always cycled on and off) which certainly helps and I manage slowly up the hill without needing to stop for a photo break (or breath!)

The brow of the hill. Orange beech leaves still line the road.

Looking over the fields at the top.

Approaching the crossroads beside the big stone (seen on the left).

Bike shot in front of the big stone.

Wild geese fly overhead.

A lost wheel trim prominently displayed.

Some hardy cows still out and about.

A lovely little knowe of winter trees (shame about the telegraph wire)

More tree knowes and sillouhettes.

Bike shot against one of the two red gates.

Gate post close up.

Red barn.

Spotty tree trunk and post.

A splash of colour - blue twine has been use for some rudimentary fence mending.

A beatifully grained telegraph pole.

The road ahead, I'm only a couple of miles from home by this point and it's pretty much all downhill from here, just need to watch out for the pot holes! It's been quite a cold outing, my toes are numb - too many photo stops! I'm keen to get back home to the warmth and also (while hubby is out with the children at Grandad's) to have a go at this...

...the result of another late night crochet session. I think it's going OK so far, just concerned about it fitting once it's done.


  1. glad to see you getting out exploring on your bike again. You pack so much into your limited time without the children. I'm inclined to tuck myself up on the couch with a book and a cup of tea when I have child free time. Perhaps that's why I have the thigh muscles of a gnat.

  2. Lovely to see you getting out and about again. Nice ride and lovely pictures. x

  3. Thanks for taking us on the ride with you once again! I had missed these posts.

  4. You call 10 miles a short route lol! I love the way blogging makes us all look at things differently.

  5. That was very enjoyable, thanks for taking me with you on your bike ride. I am thinking of getting my bike out from under all the cobwebs and trying to get a bit fitter, you're definitely inspiring me to get on with it!

  6. Ah I miss my bike bike got stolen a couple of months ago

  7. It must be nice to get out there again, M took up biking last year and is slightly obsessed, we've even swapped the rower for an indoor bike at the moment, which is great for me as I can cycle when the kids are at home. Look forward to following the seasons with your photos. Bethx

  8. Hurray for the first bike ride of 2011, great for you to get out and great for us to join you, I think we are all ready for some good fresh air.

  9. I always love coming in for a peep on your bike rides.

    I've noticed - from last year - we've had a lot less snow for this time of the year.

    Nina x

  10. Your photos are magnificent even in poor weather Anne. I love the trees on hill tops. You seem to have quite a few of those in your area. I never see any sign of vehicles on your roads either. Make us all envious and say there aren't any..haha. You cannot travel anywhere in my county without a tail of traffic behind.

    Btw 10 miles sounds a very long way to me.

  11. Glad to have popped by for a Sunday ride with you. It's been a long winter and I needed to get out for some exercise. As always, stunningly great fun along the road.

  12. Dear Anne, I enjoyed riding and viewing along with you. The crochet looks enticing, what is it and where did you get the pattern? I want to do a shawl.

    Hugs from Oregon, Teresa

  13. Oh yes — I'm really feeling those hills after (you) we left it so long!
    Fab colours in that weathered gatepost.

    And your crochet is going to be wonderful. Off now to check out the Revelry shawl patterns you talked about earlier.

    Ans I've brainmarked "knowe" for scrabble ...

  14. Nothing like a good bike ride, like your bike, is it a daws galaxy? anyhow cant beat good ride looks like you have some nice little lanes around you, love all the big stones, I know its cold and grey but I still see so much beauty in the countryside. I like your blog good mix of stuff, I've not been blogging long myself so its interesting to look around other places to get a feel for it, TTFN


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