Saturday, 13 June 2015


Images from the end of May and the beginning of June...

Our local gala day was cancelled for the first time ever. High winds were the main reason but it was also an exceptionally rainy, cold day so it would have been most unpleasant had it gone ahead. Such a shame for the organisers and the participants after so much work preparing costumes and float decorations etc. Still, there's always next year...

The hawthorn flowers on the tree in the garden finally opened on the 3rd of June, very late for casting our clouts. We did enjoy some warm, sunny weather for a short while but it's gone back to being cold again.

A has had another birthday and is now ten. Where is the time going! Cartwheels, handstands, etc are all the rage. I remember that stage when I was young too. I have attempted a few cartwheels in the garden myself recently, just to see if I've still got it. I was told I was "quite good", whatever that means.

I've submitted twenty one job applications so far and had my first interview on Friday. I'll hear early next week but I'm not holding my breath. I'll apply for more positions tomorrow, Sunday seems to be a popular deadline.

Two weeks till the end of term and I have still so much to do. One "minor" job involves emptying my classroom. Where am I going to put all that stuff? Still, six weeks off then follows, lovely!


  1. Lovely photos, except for the snail, snails terrify me.

  2. What a beautiful cake! I remember we used to spin around and around on one knee on a high bar when I was about 10. I never see kids doing this now. For one--I don't see those type of bars on playgrounds. Funny about all of your teaching stuff. Mine is piled up in my son's old bedroom. I'm moving schools and really tried to weed before leaving. It's hard though, isn't it? You always think you might throw out something good that took so long to make.

  3. Fantastic photos, that last one is a winner, it made me laugh. A lot of that kind of thing going on in my garden I think. Love the birthday cake, exactly the sort of cake my youngest always asks for. He calls it a Raspberry Jam Cake. I hope A had a very good birthday. I have been known to do cartwheels and handstands as well. I can still do a handstand against the wall. Boys are less impressed with that kind of thing though. But it is nonetheless something I am Best In House at. Good luck with the job applications. CJ xx

  4. always enjoy your photographs ;) and hope the birthday celebrations went well, beautiful cake x

  5. It's amazing how much stuff you accumulate as a teacher but my advice would be to keep hold of it somewhere even in the attic if needs be as you never know when you might need it. Lovely photos. Xx

  6. good luck with the applications, and the interview x

  7. Stunning photos and delicious looking cake. I'm sure A was very impressed with it. Good luck with the implications and fingers crossed for you re interview. X

  8. Do I spy Tunnock's chocolate marshmallows? - I haven't had one of those since I lived in Glasgow too many years ago now

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  11. Sorry for some unknown reason my comment posted three times

  12. Nice selection. I visited the teacake factory just the other day funnily enough. Like the frisky snails. Hope you enjoy your time off.
    Well done on the cartwheel mummy, a good asset for the CV. :o)

  13. We have had some truly wild weather too. Islay is going through a cartwheel, handstand phase as is lovely seeing her having such fun! Good luck with the applications and make the most of your time off! juliex

  14. Beautiful photographs! I hope that the news about the job is good and that you will soon have a new place to put the contents of your classroom! Enjoy the summer in the meantime! xx

  15. I love your photo of the cat and the cake. Good luck to you with the job!

  16. Mmm, Tunnock's Tea Cakes, I like the dark chocolate ones.

    That picture of the daisy s absolutely perfect.

    I wish I had half of A's energy...

  17. lovely photos! (any luck job hunting?)

  18. Lovely photos - and I adore Tunnocks teacakes!
    Fingers crossed on the job front. Interviews are stressful and applying takes such a lot of time and work. I hope you're successful very soon.


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