Saturday, 11 April 2015


We stayed in Pittenweem. It's a beautiful village. Rather than try to describe it, I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

We start up on the headland where the skate park was. We came here frequently, especially in the evenings - the children would play with new friends also here on holiday while I was very happy to admire the view. I took so many photos from here, this is just a small selection. The light was different each time...

Next we wander round the harbour. There was lots to see here too. Again, the different light adds to the interest.

Now a closer look at some of the houses. Which would you choose?

The blue cottage here was the one we stayed in...

...and this is a zoomed in view from the bedroom window. The big doggie from the little white cottage loved lying out on the path all day.

Now to the beach. We spent a gorgeous afternoon just pottering about in the sunshine. There was so much sea glass I didn't bother collecting any as it didn't seem precious somehow. Instead I used it to make some pictures on the sand. They were soon washed away by the incoming tide.

We often passed St Fillan's cave on the way down into the village. N was very keen to get inside, so we got the keys from the chocolate shop and in we went...

 It was bigger inside than I expected.

Now to some little street details and larger views. This first fellow sits outside the cave...

Yummy ice cream from the ice cream shop. One blue marshmallow, two strawberries and one rum & raisin.

Of all the villages we visited Pittenweem was our favourite and we were very glad that's where we'd ended up staying. We all agreed this wouldn't be our last visit...


  1. what a beautiful place, love the seaglass pictures and the changing light, slightly alarmed by the blue ice cream!

  2. It looks lovely! I'd like a peek in the cave too!

  3. I have been looking for a May Bank holiday destination and my have just found it! It looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing. x

  4. Such a beautiful village, how lovely to stay there and explore it fully. Your photos are fantastic. The blue marshmallow ice-cream looks memorable! CJ xx

  5. Wonderful photos, loved your beach art and I would choose the house with the best sea view!

  6. Nice sharp photographs. It's a great place and Fife usually gets excellent weather. The children might like the Isle of May boat trip now they are older to see the puffins and seals in calm conditions if you are looking for different things to do next time. It's a magical island in the nesting season. Talented family as that's the most artistic sand drawings I've seen yet :o)

  7. Gorgeous photos. I'd have filled my pockets with sea glass!

  8. Beautiful little village and it looks like you had glorious weather.

  9. What a beautiful place to visit, every where you look is a fantastic photo opportunity. Glad you had a wonderful time.

  10. It looks wonderful Anne, wasn't the weather fabulous this Easter.
    Jacquie x

  11. I am going to start a 'To be visited' list and Pittenweem will be top of that list. Mind you, almost anywhere in Scotland is gorgeous isn't it?

  12. What a gorgeous place to stay! I love those little houses and the harbour and beach of course, just an amazing place. It looks like you had amazing weather too!

  13. hard to believe I am very happy to be joined commented here, it makes an experience for me si iom

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