Tuesday, 5 August 2014


If you head out to Chanonry Point an hour or so after low tide there is a very good chance you will see bottlenose dolphins within just a few yards of the shore feeding on the salmon of the rising tide.

We duly set off for some dolphin spotting one soft and still summer's evening...

Little birds perch along the roof line, seagulls claim the chimney pot spots.

While waiting I make some pebble footprints.

The sun sinks lower in the sky.

 We're not the only ones waiting for the dolphins to appear.

But after a couple of hours we decided to leave the party and head home, to return another time....

...a grey morning, a few days later. The weather has turned, it doesn't feel quite so magical. This time we walk out to the point from Fortrose.

 The views are still lovely. We get some ice creams from the van then make our way to join the small crowd at the point.

And this time we see lots of dolphins. I managed to take quite a number of photos of tails disappearing into the water as the dolphins completed their dives faster than my camera could take a picture. The dolphins weren't doing huge dives today like you see some days, judging by the photos others have taken.

But it was still very good to see them .

Another lighthouse. This one, at Chanonry Point, isn't quite so tall as the one in my previous post.


  1. i love your blog and all the lovely trips you take me on through it ;0)...i loved your bike riding adventures so much...you live in a beautiful part of the country. And now to make my eyes pop out~ Dolphins thats just ammmaazzziinngg x

  2. Your pictures are beautiful. I'm happy to read your blog.
    Have a nice day! Aurevoir

  3. We love 'our' dolphins - so pleased you got to see them (and still can't believe we can walk down after tea whenever we want)! Katie calls them dolphwhales. Juliex

  4. What a beautiful spot, and how wonderful to see dolphins. It looks like you've been having a good summer so far. CJ xx

  5. How great that you got to see the dolphins!! I love your pebble foot prints too. xx

  6. This is why we (whisper it) have plans to move to your neck of the woods as soon as we can manage it - so beautiful.
    I'm glad you saw the dolphins in the end.
    Sarah :)


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