Friday, 7 February 2014

Pebbles and Shells.

We went to the beach today. Why? The sun was shining, the schools are off for the mid-term break, and I needed to collect some pebbles and shells. I'm currently on another teaching placement; this time it's in a nursery. Next week I've to do some sorting activities with the children, some of which should be outside, so I thought a mix of different shells and pebbles would be good for them to play with. I'm also preparing some paper activities which need laminating first. I got a laminator for Christmas, the novelty of using it has not yet worn off...

We even had a picnic. Mr Crow and some seagulls soon became interested.

Now, I'm away to see if the laminator has heated up yet...


  1. How great to see blue skies! We've got more storms here. So fed up of them. Would love some nice cold frosty mornings. Of course, spring would be even better.

  2. Gorgeous Photos Anne. Looks like you all had fun.
    Jacquie x

  3. The sand picture is great! So much fun. I hope that your teaching goes well. xx

  4. Good to see you are still getting out and about. Even the sand pictures are artistic. Nice beach.

  5. What beautiful photos, it looks like a lovely walk. And you found a good haul of treasures. We love this kind of day. I'm envying you your laminator, if I had one there'd be no stopping me.

  6. blue skies at the beach, how very lovely!

  7. I'd love to help you collect shells and pebbles, because I love doing it. Thank you for the pictures from the sea, which I love. Yours.

  8. Can I have the pieces of wood? I love how they have been smoothed and weathered by the sea. Looks like a gorgeous day.
    Hugs to you,

  9. Lovely pics and I too love the beach when it is deserted and wild and bracing. The basket of finds looks great. I'm sure the children will love them as I found myself really wanting a little play with them too!

    I am also laughing as there was a small pic at the end of your post with a 'you might also like' from may 2012 and I was a bit bewildered why you had a pic of my cat cleaning its paw??? Your little Molly is clearly my little Red's long lost twin!

  10. Lovely, especially that first phot0 - looking down to Arran? We got a laminator recently too, such fun! juliex

  11. Looks like the perfect place, and such a good excuse to go to the beach!

  12. Lovely photos. Looks like you had a wonderful time.

  13. Seaside treasures! I particularly like the piece of wood. The Crow picture is wonderful, such lovely birds.

  14. Ha. The joy of using a laminator never wears off! Good luck with your next practice.

  15. I find beach combing so relaxing. You found some great stuff, I'll be interested to see what you do with it.

  16. Ooh ... the colours of those shells and that sky ... like summer!

    Have fun with the laminater!

  17. Gorgeous pictures. I want to emigrate to sunny Scotland!!! I am sure that the children will enjoy sorting out the pebbles and shells.


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