Sunday, 19 January 2014

I Spy Blue Sky...

More January outdoor scenes. This time with no rain, and even some blue sky. All taken this afternoon during a visit to Calderglen country park.

I liked this little cottage on the hillside overlooking the park.

Pretty leaves.

The cottage again.

Horseshoe falls, hoping I don't drop my camera (I have no wrist strap).

 An ash tree.

Cottage and ash tree together.

 Bird detail from play park, and blue sky!

N making his way through the rope tunnel in the play park.

More of the iron bird sculpture.

Now we're off to the zoo...

 An Australian zebra finch.

Meer cats.


 Love birds, a welcome splash of cheerful colour.

There were quite a few other creatures in the zoo, including a Scottish wildcat. He was pacing round his pen and seemed rather unsettled. Much as I enjoyed seeing the animals and birds up close, I did feel a little uncomfortable about their loss of freedom and habitat.

Next, a walk in the woods...

Bare branches silhouetted against the sky.

Pretty patterns in sawn logs. It was only when I was writing this post and was looking up information on ash trees that I realised that this is probably the trunk of a young ash tree affected by the chalara fungus (ash die back). I see from the map on the website that it has been recorded at Calderglen park, and from the map it look like the fungus is now affecting ash trees across the whole of the UK to varying degrees. Rather sad.

Beech leaves.

 More branches.

 Always nice to look up.

 Yay, umbellifers for a photo.

 And another pair, with towerblocks in the distance.

We were following the yellow path. At the beginning A was very grumpy and complained of sore legs, tiredness, boredom, etc. We started playing I spy and miraculously that kept her going through the whole walk and was later declared her favourite part of the day. Simple pleasures...


  1. Very pretty pictures :-) I like the one where you're looking up into the branches. Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. These are wonderful photographs and I had absolutely no idea the park had these animal attractions. I actually I lived in EK many, many years ago and can recall going on family rambles to Calderglen and that there was a waterfall but not much more probably because I was only about 5yrs old! This place is definitely worth a visit.

  3. Beautiful photos as always, love the contrast of plants and buildings too x

  4. Lovely photos, I especially like the ones that are silhouetted against the sky. Looks as though you had a great day out. xx

  5. It's lovely to see some blue skies! I adore the photo of the love birds.
    Marianne x

  6. What a lovely afternoon out. Sad to see the ash disease though, I don't think we have it yet locally, but it is in a wider radius and I'm sure it'll come. I don't like to see animals caged either, it's hard to reconcile the loss of freedom with conservation and our enjoyment/education.

  7. Gorgeous photos today, what a lovely visit. I especially love the one of the Falls, so glad you did not fall in, it looks chilly.

  8. It does feel like we turned a corner - but then we a re likely to be lulled into a false sense of security!! It is great to see that blue sky xx

  9. That first photo is a stunner ... the lichen on the tree trunks is lovely. Also love the horseshoe falls (I always fear dropping my camera into water!), and the trees against the sky. And the "looking up" photo is beautiful.

    Here in Wisconsin, ash trees are being infested by the emerald ash borer. It's so sad to see trees being attacked in this way.

    N is really growing, isn't he?

    Hope your classes / teaching are going well. :)


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