Wednesday, 7 August 2013

July Garden and a Few Other Things.

Some July memories I wanted to record before it became rather late to do so...


Early turning rowan.

The cat enjoyed having the deck chairs out during the fine weather.

Borage, a new addition to the garden this year.

Another new plant, a climbing rose. Acquired after seeing all the lovely gardens full of roses in Overstrand on our holidays last year.

 Hebe, loved by the bees.


Hydrangea, just starting to bloom.


A little view past the patio during the lovely warm spell. The parasol hasn't been needed for a couple of weeks now.

Caterpillars on the broccoli. A few days after taking this photo I noticed them all heading off away from the broccoli in different directions at top speed. We caught three of them and put them in our butterfly net/container and watched them develop into chrysalises then large white butterflies before releasing them just a couple of days ago.

A small tortoishell butterfly. Starting to see more of these now it's August.

Wall plus the rhubarb patch. I stewed most of this lot and we had it with a big scone (see sidebar for recipe). It's now sprouting again, time to make something else...

The patio doors were open for days on end during the heatwave. It was lovely. It's been a good summer.

Looking down the garden.

Lantern and leaves.

Goats beard and bumble bee.

Wild strawberries.

Paddling pool fun.

 Livingstone daisies.


Strawberry harvest.

The other rose.

A clematis I'd forgotten we had.

Bee and geranium.

Cat and shadows.

Crazy rain during one of the July thunderstorms. Our gutters couldn't cope and the water was gushing off the roof.

Beautiful clouds.

Veering away from the garden now to a few end of July random pleasures...

Eggs from Henny, Penny and Jenny.

Bugs made by one of N's friends and some carefully hoarded bottle tops.

A new-to-me poetry book, just one of many books and other teaching materials gifted by a kind friend. She's retired now and much of her collection dates from the seventies, which I like!

Scones, a favourite holiday breakfast.

My collection of house style books. I took this photo to put on flickr after commenting on someone else's book pile. Here's a link. I have to say that I like the new version of flickr and I'm using it more than I used to, I'm also starting to make some interesting contacts and I feel I'm finally beginning to see how it all works. Please let me know your flickr ID's if anyone reading this is also a regular user. Thanks!


  1. You have a beautiful garden. It looks like July was a month of happy and lovely things.

  2. Love all the photos and the cat in the deckchair made me smile! I use flickr and I think I'm just Rustic Vintage Country, still getting used to it and facebook. x

  3. So much colour in your garden - it's beautiful. Mine is definitely lacking at the moment.

  4. Such beautiful photos, I am so glad you shared them with us.
    Hugs to you,

  5. Your garden is beautiful - so many colourful flowers.
    I'm not on flickr but will look you up, you'll find me on pbase instead:

  6. What loveliness here. Thank you. All of your photos have brightened my day and have given a warming glow to my evening. I needed this.

  7. Wow, the borage and hebe are so lovely (as are all your other flowers). Looks like you had a wonderful July. Love the cat in the deckchair!

  8. Oh, such a beautiful collection of images. I especially love the borage. This post has cheered my morning

  9. Beautiful pictures. You have some lovely flowers in your garden.
    This year our garden is full of butterflies, what has happened?
    I counted ten on one wall of the house.

  10. Love the cat pictures, he's certainly enjoying the summer weather! I'm cjcsew on Flickr.

  11. Such a beautiful post, relaxing too.

    New version of Flickr and they didn't tell me? Off to investigate.

  12. Always a world of colour in here.


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