Tuesday, 11 June 2013

What Do You Think?

It's our local show soon. I've ordered some prints of recent (and not so recent) photos to enter the "coloured snap" categories; "Landscape or flora" and "People or animals".

Here are the photos I'm going to choose from. I'm not going to enter them all, perhaps three for each group (it's 30p per entry). I was wondering what other people's opinions were, if you'd take a moment to let me know your favourites I'd be most grateful, we can compare them to the judges' decisions later...

Landscape or Flora...



 Poppy and Bee





People or Animals...

 Tortoiseshell 1

Tortoiseshell 2



 Snails and Cat

Bird in flight 1


Winter bird

Bird in flight 2

The last photo looks a little fuzzy here, if the print is like this too then it's not going to be a contender.

Fortunately I don't have to give the photos titles for the competition, I'd try to be more imaginative if I did!


  1. Just amazing photos. So beautiful. I loved them all but especially the snails and the kitty two of my favourite things x

  2. sunrise and snails have to be my two favourites, but there are lots of good ones. Didn't you enter some last year and win a prize or two? You do take some fab photos :)

  3. The poppy and bees, loved the Mouse and snails. My husband also Bee on poppy, mouse and his favourite Winter Bird. We looked at them separately...
    Poppy drew us in, Mouse beautiful and hard to get an image like that. He said Winter bird was superb.
    Good luck with them.
    you have a great eye for photos. x

  4. Wow! They are all so beautiful - such talent you have!
    I love the aquilegia and the tulip and think these would make delightful prints (enlarged) to hang on the walls of a modern-style home!
    Sunrise, winter bird and mouse are my faves also, not in any particular order - I love them all.
    I haven't seen such a beautiful butterfly before either!
    I would not want to be the judge in this comp!!
    All the very best with it!
    Joy x

  5. Snails! I love that photo, something about it speaks to me. Makes me wish I was there.

  6. The one that evoked the most emotion in me was definitely the mouse - dont know why.

  7. I like them all but the cow one definitely makes me smile, and I've got a thing for landscapes.
    I learn a lot from looking at your photos! (in a good way obviously... :-)

  8. A very tough choice - I do love the sunrise one best though :)

  9. Love them all, but my favourites are ~ sunrise, moonrise and poppy and Bee. But they are all definitely worthy of entry to your competition :O)xx

  10. Gosh what a difficult choice. I would narrow it down to the aquilega, tulip, moonrise, cow and mouse. But they are all lovely :-)


  11. Sunrise and poppy & bee. Then mouse and cow.

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  13. So difficult to choose - they are all great but if I must.......The sunrise, the cow, Moonrise, and you must have the thistle - after all it is so Scotland.

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  15. Great pictures, too many to choose from, but I really like sunrise, poppy and bee, thistle, cow, snails, Good Luck!

  16. That's what's so great about photography - it's all so subjective. My favourite is the mouse and the cat and snails and the moo cow too!
    Good luck!

  17. oh they're all gorgeous. thistle and mouse!

  18. sunrise and (country) mouse for me.

  19. I like tulip, moonrise, mouse and snails best, but then I do know nothing about photography, and they do all look rather fabulous to me! Quite envious, just visited another blog and they have just been to a nice country show, I need to hunt the ones around here out and get my jam entered :) Beth/thelinencat xx

  20. Sunrise, Moonrise, Thistle;

    Mouse, Cow, Cat and Snails, would be my choice. They are all rather lovely though.

  21. oh now this is not fair...to choose I can't I love, love, love them all...sorry absolutely no help what so ever!
    no....I tried....sorry!
    go on enter them all!!!

  22. Whoa--this is very hard to pick. The sunrise is really stunning, but so too are poppy and bee and tulip. I like the winter bird especially too--but that's me and trees again. The cow too is really a funny one.
    Good luck!

  23. Moonrise and mouse are my favourites. Good luck.

  24. First of all: WOW! Your photos are so good. When you see them all laid out like that...you have such an eye for a photo. My favourites are: sunrise, moonrise and snails. But they're all great. Good luck with the competition! x

  25. Gorgeous photos. My favourites are the thistle, the mouse and the cow.
    M x

  26. Being a landscape person, I love the sunrise and the moonrise. They are gorgeous in their simplicity. And I love the cow!

  27. Are the judges technically knowledgeable about photography or just choosing the most appealing/powerful images?

    Seen on my screen sunrise is not only stunning but technically adept as you've preserved foreground detail (can't really tell how sharply but most folk would lose it altogether). And although Mouse is cute Snails is fabulously composed and has a more interesting depth of field and I'd say is the best of the second bunch.

    I love tulip, it's almost abstract art, that would be my second choice from that first set. I wouldn't use the butterflies or birds if it were me, competitions are always full of shots like those.

    Of course it goes without saying that they'll all really good. Good luck:)

  28. Great pics....so many good'uns!

    I love the tulip one, and the poppy ones you had on a previous post were just fabulous, I remember saying how like O'Keeffe they were.

    I think of the animal ones I like the mouse the most.

    Ooooh, best of luck....I also remember after you showing all the things you'd entered last year I Said i'd enter this year....must look into it!

  29. They are all worthy of prizes. I think sunrise stood out for me. x


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