Thursday, 27 June 2013

Our June Garden

Pics of our garden in June. From lilac buds, a single camellia bloom, and hawthorn blossom at the start of the month to just opened paeonies, poppies and honeysuckle towards the end. Throughout the month the aquilegias and alliums have been superstars! We even had the paddling pool out, I'd forgotten about that already.



We're planning a visit to London during the school holidays. Any recommendations for places to visit aside from the usual tourist attractions would be much appreciated. We'll be staying just across the Thames from Kew...

Edit - just realised I missed a row of photos during the upload stage. Here they are now...


  1. Such gorgeous photos, the colors of the flowers are amazing.

  2. What gorgeous, colourful photos. Your garden is a picture, it really is. That shot of the bubble is brilliant!

    We are going to London in the hols and planning The London Eye and the Natural History Museum among other things. I think my kids would love either a boat trip on the Thames or an open top bus ride but it's all so expensive - I think we'll have to pick and choose wisely. x

  3. Your garden is looking lovely, so very colourful.

  4. Once again your pics are fantastic - love the bubble - everything is so bright and clear! Enjoy your trip!
    Joy x

  5. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S photos !!!!

  6. Absolutely lush!

  7. Your garden looks wonderful with so many pretty flowers. Love the first pic with the bubble.

  8. Beautiful photos, really summery. For your London trip I would recommend a visit to Greenwich - you have the river, market, park etc and can easily spend a day pooling about there. Nearer to Kew, have alook round Richmond, or take a walk along the river in either direction, a great way to see London.

  9. Beautiful photos, really summery. For your London trip I would recommend a visit to Greenwich - you have the river, market, park etc and can easily spend a day pooling about there. Nearer to Kew, have alook round Richmond, or take a walk along the river in either direction, a great way to see London.

  10. No ladybirds here yet, didn't see many last year come to that. (fingers crossed I've found a way of commenting!)

  11. I love the bubble photo!

    And there are so many pretty flowers in your garden... sigh..

  12. Wow! A beautiful set of photos, making me feel very summery. :-)

  13. Lovely, lovely....there aren't really a lot of flowers in our new garden, something I hope to remedy, dig some grass up, plant some borders....although the rabbits are rife so I will have to do some good research.

    Beautiful photos all, I do love the yellow poppies, so pretty...I have stacks of pics from end of may beginning of June and still haven't uploaded them, but when you look back, makes you realise where the times flitted by.


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