Thursday, 27 June 2013

Our June Garden

Pics of our garden in June. From lilac buds, a single camellia bloom, and hawthorn blossom at the start of the month to just opened paeonies, poppies and honeysuckle towards the end. Throughout the month the aquilegias and alliums have been superstars! We even had the paddling pool out, I'd forgotten about that already.



We're planning a visit to London during the school holidays. Any recommendations for places to visit aside from the usual tourist attractions would be much appreciated. We'll be staying just across the Thames from Kew...

Edit - just realised I missed a row of photos during the upload stage. Here they are now...

Monday, 24 June 2013

Three Walks and Some Fairycakes...

We're trying to make the most of the opportunities we have to be out enjoying the June countryside. After what happened to the summer last year (what summer!) we're taking advantage of any dry weather...

Walk #1. Taken late last week with N after meeting a friend for tea and (not very good!) cake at a nearby cafe.

Take off.

A view over roof tops and fields (ooh, buttercups!) to the folly.

First dog rose of the summer for me.

The cow parsley is still going strong along the road verges.

I couldn't resist!

The folly in the distance again.
My wee friend.

 Lovely June countryside.

Now the fairycakes. A had her two best friends round for a belated birthday sleepover and treat at the weekend. I'd made some fairycakes for them to ice... 

These were A's.

And here are all the cakes together. They didn't get to eat them all, I helped!

And the birthday treat was...

 ...pony walking.

  So we have walk #2. Up and down the lane to the stables for 20 minutes on horseback.

 A was on Jazz, R was on Geordie and M was on Abby.
'Twas fun.

Now to walk #3. After seeing the distant folly atop it's buttercup strewn hill in walk #1, I wanted to get a little closer. This morning I packed a picnic and after seeing A off to school (and going to B&M for some bargain gardening supplies) N and I set off...

A giant B&M butterfly flutters alongside.

It's been a fantastic year for buttercups.


The folly still looks teensy here.

The views are staring to open up as we climb the hill.

Now you get an idea of high big the folly actually is. N is the teensy one.

The roof is long gone.I think the folly was used as a base for deer hunting at one time. (I blogged our one and only previous visit here, such a difference the seasons make!)

We found a little rock to sit on and eat our sandwiches. This was our view. N declared that we could see the whole world!

The loch in the distance (which we visited later for an ice cream from the lochside cafe)

N atop our picnic rock.

Loving the buttercups!

Still more buttercups as we approach the car.

I've not managed to get out on a bike ride for the last week or so and didn't want to miss getting photos of the buttercups, so was glad the weather held for us to take this walk and picnic today. I'm also aware that as N starts school in August time for our little walks together is now limited. Best make the most of it while we can!