Saturday, 6 April 2013

Saturday Morning Bike Ride.

'Twas as gorgeous morning, I'm so glad I dragged myself out on my bike. I've been feeling sooo lazy these past few weeks - I think I need to eat more fruit and veg and less sugar as well as get more exercise. The sunshine this morning helped to entice me out, it always does. I was off at about 8am. I had intended to go for a longer ride but spent quite a lot of time on top of the hill taking photos and listening to singing of the sky larks.

So we have...

 White farm buildings on the hills opposite the one I'm slowly making my way up.

Another view across the valley, beech hedge in the foreground.

 Barn with red door. Some snow still remaining in the shadows of the hedges.

A favourite tree. I can just fit it all in the frame without falling in the snow-filled ditch behind me. Love the blue of the sky.

 Bike shot against gorse.

More bare branches and blue skies.

The countryside up here is very open and quite empty of people. The sound of the skylarks singing was loud and clear (click on the audio segment in this link to hear the sound).


Twisty road.

Icy puddle.

More road views. Spring is late this year compared to previous years. There's a very noticeable lack of green in the countryside up here.

Shadow shot.

A peek through and old cottage window.

Tractor tracks.

 View over the reservoir.

Cottage with red trims. I like the colours of the large shed on the left.

Shortly after here I reached my destination for the ride, only to discover there were people there, how dare they! I pretended I was just passing through and didn't stop for photos. I'll go back another week.

  On to some new roads for a few miles instead.

Farm buildings and another beech hedge.

Past an old mill pond.
  Hmmm, a bit blurry but I liked the lines of the hedges, will try for a better photo another time.

 Now back on familiar routes. The distant hills looked great today. Lovely beech hedges along this road.

 Lambs. Heard before seen.

Now looking at the reservoir from the other side. Fabulous cloud shapes.

Another lovely view of the sky.

Attractive outbuildings. These last two photos taken whilst on the move as the farmhouse is directly opposite, it seems rude to stop for photos.

 Now I know where to come to see snowdrops.

 Another farm, I like the patchwork effect of the colours of the barn.

Road sign with more snowdrops.

After another mile I join the cycle path. I'm behind a couple of fairly fast cyclists so I use them a pace setters to encourage me to ride quickly home for the last 5 miles or so. I'm tempted to stop for two photos (a fat pheasant and a sunlit folly) but succeed in resisting.

I thoroughly enjoyed today's bike ride.


  1. A lovely ride. We've had sunshine today, although much further south than you! Not much green in these parts either.

  2. I'm not sure there's much green anywhere at the moment, the fields certainly look very tired here, not the norm when you turn the new calves and lambs out

    LOVE the tree shot, what a great shape it has, glad you didn't fall in the ditch to take the pic, although, it would have been all in the name of art.

    The roads around here are narrow, windy and busy, I could quite like a cycle, but I am such a wobbly cycler it's laughable and what with tourists in 4x4s and tractors it could be a really bad idea! Walking probably safer for me!

    Have a good weekend, is it your hols at the moment?

  3. Lovely photos as always, I enjoyed the bike ride too! Same weather where we are in Lancashire today, it was lovely not to have the strong wind for a change, it felt more like spring! It's not very green at home around the Peak District either, spring really is late - in the post before my scenes from home post, I put up some photos of the same scenes this march and last to compare and there is quite a difference.

  4. I enjoyed it to!
    If I HAD to pick just ONE photo this post it would be the Tractor tracks.
    We have been very lucky and had some lovely sunshine these past few days but I hear rain is on the way.

  5. Such beauty surrounding you, so glad you took the time to enjoy it.

  6. Simply gorgeous photos.
    Anne xx

  7. Oh how I would love that bike ride. I was hoping for some lamb pics today...thanks. Loved the photo from the cottage window, that's a special one. Have a great weekend. Anne

  8. Great ride - I really liked the twisty road shots. The terrain looks so nice and craggy there.

    Such a lovely blue to the sky - a very spring-like blue.

    It's still very brown here too, with only a little grass growing in very sheltered spots.

  9. Love the pictures today. I didn't know that Dawes were still going. My OH owns a bike shop and all I hear about is Trek, Specialized and Madison.

    It was lovely to hear the Skylark, its been a long time gone from here.

    Wishing for some green for you.

  10. Lovely one! So much hillier around yours than ours. Having grown up in Holland and now in flat Norfolk/Suffolk, I'm not very good with hills. There is one particular one that I even have to get off the bike as it's too steep (17%)!
    And I know what you mean about people being somewhere you want to look around - I don't go in churches if I know there are people inside (definitely not during services of course, but I mean if there are general visitors).

  11. Sure looks like a long ride and also a very deceiving one. It looks all warm and then you see the snow and the icy puddles. I also am not fond of people being where I want to go it feels like some kind of intrusion doesn't it .


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